Reviews from

in the past

"Игра" понятного жанра и значение имеет только сюжет. Сюжет никакой. Тут история о принятии потери близкого человека и... всё. Основная линия вызывает смех. Даже завязка не интригует. Не могу сказать, что у игры хотя бы был потенциал. Ни цепляющих персонажей, ни прикольных ходов, ничего. Разве что атмосфера у местного захолустья есть, но зачем проходить - непонятно.

Overall thoughts:

Holy fuck this game was amazing. The story, the art direction, the music, the acting, the characters, it was all phenomenal. Tomorrow I’ll play wavelengths which from the description on the PlayStation store feels like it was made specifically for me. I can officially confirm that Steph was a far better best friend than Chloe, however I did go down the romance arc with Steph. Everyone has their flaws but apart from the truly awful people everyone still feels like they are a good person at heart. Overall this game has easily taken the crown from God of War Ragnarök as my favorite game of all time.

Chapter 5: Side B

This chapter, it ties up every loose end while still being as heart felt as chapters one through three. Chapter four was a low point but this chapter quickly fixed that. I loved this chapter.

Even though this game does feel kinda shallow in some area especially the choice department there isn't that many impactful or interesting choices except for maybe the choice with Charlotte which was really good this game is just kind of an excuse to tune out and vibe with some really fun characters. Also the Mxmtoon soundtrack is really good and super fitting for a life is strange game.