Reviews from

in the past

My one rec if you play this game is just skip through the h scenes. Ik some may consider that a sin, but the content in them is just kinda horrific, and you're best off just skimming the backlog for the few plot important details they have. Like admittedly the first one sets the scene and plot elements, but it's also like probs worst one in whole thing.

If you can stomach this game having every trigger warning in the book, there is a wonderful, beautiful story about the value of life. As much of a simple moral "murder = bad" is, I greatly respect how much emphasis this story puts on it. There are oc other important themes besides that, but that is like the main one for me.

The mecha are all super sick. Kageaki is a wonderful main protagonist, and is an actual rare morally grey character.

The battles are a kind of love or hate thing. I personally loved them, but they do tend to overexplain stuff. The world has a lot of cool bg details, and lore. The cast is fairly strong, and the main antagonist is super unique. Unlike anything I've really seen.

45 hours of Kageaki being depressed and suicidal, and then a spider footjob making him happy is really funny.