Reviews from

in the past

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very enjoyable to play, if slow and unspiring dialogue-heavy. the town life and your impact on it gels very badly with the mystery and undermines itself with its stupid blunt, often meanspirited points abt the peasantry (and i hate ursula getting burned at the stake bc you dont convert her lmao) and the wishywashy take on revolt. not nearly as clever as it thinks it is and there's a very strong illusion of choice element that makes the ending drag enormously (for many reasons aside from the choice element - the writing is bad, the reveal is stupid, it's extremely trite and tries to wrap things up neatly, which the game had obviously been very opposed to previously so lmao) and you're suddenly hit with the revelation that oh, this isn't really replayable is it. very telltale's the walking dead. not nearly as annoyed at pentiment as i was at that tho and like i said very enjoyable to actually play and tease at. shame the things its good at are more stylistic and aimed at covering up its many flaws than like, good character writing ideas etc.