Reviews from

in the past

Listen, do I love God of War? Yes. Should and does this game deserve a perfect score? Yes. The Tyr plot twist was one of the most unexpected and greatest story points I have ever experienced, let alone ever watched. It left me stunned as to how beautifully crafted this game was made. Account for the game's enemy variety, its amazing combat improvements from the 2018 installment, its new weapons and variety, and its sheer volume of what it hopes to achieve and it is genuinely one of the best modern gaming experiences of all time. With that being said, it went on to include a DLC being a rougelike that was JUST AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER than many even dreamed of it being and it was free! It provided some AMAZING callbacks to the original Greek mythology series while also providing just such a good twist on the God of War combat formula. The Tyr boss battle was amazing and seeing all of the original God of War enemies in full HD was awesome. I can glaze this game all day, it has a beautiful ending and the dlc just affirmed Kratos as one of the greatest written video game characters of all time!... I still like 2018 God of War more, it just is carried through heavy nostalgia.

An epic evolution of the story in terms of scale, characters and emotion. Ragnarök at the end is absolutely enthralling.