Reviews from

in the past

Lords of the fallen is pheraps the worst medium-high budget soulslike i have played.

Movement feels clunky and floaty at the same time. Every weapon has too much forward or side momemtum and it feels like there is this constant struggle to maintain the character position.

The two worlds mechanic is interesting but the implementation is awful. It's impossible to explore at your own pace when in umbral because enemies keep respawning and they get stronger the more time passes. This happens throught the entire game and the enemy variety barely changes, by the end it's impossible not to feel bored by the constant stream of trash mobs on your way.

Visuals are ok but there is performance problems. Enemy/armor designs are good but there are so few of them. Audio is ok.

The last naim in the coffin is the last boss. Yes i know there are multiple endings and bosses but the main antagonist teased throught the game is a minion fight with barely any interaction. One of the worst last bosses i have faced.

Soulslike fans couls find some fun in here, but honestly i would rather any fromsoft game or lies of p or nilh instead of this. Huge wasted potential.