Reviews from

in the past

yeah, i don't know about this one. i feel like i played this one a little too late into my life. to get this out of the way, i understand how impressive and well made this game is for it's time. the influence this game had on almost every game since cannot be understated. i even thought it was funny going through the game and realizing how much this game inspired the binding of isaac. i think my main gripe with this game is the combat. it's just not fun or satisfying, and can be quite annoying at times when you're completely swarmed by enemies. trying to aim your sword in the proper direction on the d-pad just frustrated me quite often. the exploration and design of the world is top tier, however. each dungeon feels unique and navigating both the light world and the dark world can be pretty fun. i died quite a bit playing this game. 60 times to be exact. it was easily the most challenging Zelda game i have ever played. each enemy seems to always hit you for 2-3 hearts, and it's quite easy to get trapped in between some enemies and see your health quickly drop to near zero. this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but did leave me annoyed quite a few times. i really wish i liked this game more than i did. I by no means think this is a bad game, but I do think I prefer nearly every other Zelda game I have played, both 2D and 3D.