Reviews from

in the past

yeah, i don't know about this one. i feel like i played this one a little too late into my life. to get this out of the way, i understand how impressive and well made this game is for it's time. the influence this game had on almost every game since cannot be understated. i even thought it was funny going through the game and realizing how much this game inspired the binding of isaac. i think my main gripe with this game is the combat. it's just not fun or satisfying, and can be quite annoying at times when you're completely swarmed by enemies. trying to aim your sword in the proper direction on the d-pad just frustrated me quite often. the exploration and design of the world is top tier, however. each dungeon feels unique and navigating both the light world and the dark world can be pretty fun. i died quite a bit playing this game. 60 times to be exact. it was easily the most challenging Zelda game i have ever played. each enemy seems to always hit you for 2-3 hearts, and it's quite easy to get trapped in between some enemies and see your health quickly drop to near zero. this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but did leave me annoyed quite a few times. i really wish i liked this game more than i did. I by no means think this is a bad game, but I do think I prefer nearly every other Zelda game I have played, both 2D and 3D.

Honestly one of the better GBA rereleases of SNES games, they let you adjust the brightness which is really nice
The new dungeon was kinda whatever, but I wasn't really expecting much from that anyways

First time I tried and finished this classic was with this version. OoT Link's voice can feel weird for anyone playing this, but after a while you'll get used.

I swung my sword, i beat some dudes and i saved the princess and the world. Great dungeons, satisfying gameplay and cute story, narrative and beaauuuutiful musics. It was a real adventure. I remember everything in the game like it's an old memory... Being a nintendo fan slowly...

One of the most overhyped Zelda games out there. It is not well balanced. And has a lot of bad design. Might be a classic, but it did not age well.

Okay, i know, controversial opinion. Let's start with the good. It's still a Zelda game. Game still looks good. It plays fine. The music is great.

This game is very unbalanced. Everything hits like a truck. There is nothing you can do about it until LATE GAME. Once you get your first defense upgrade, you get your last one a mere 2-3 dungeons(the final dungeon). That makes the game an infuriating experience. You go 2/3 of the game with taking max damage for everything. You could have given a defense item before that to balance things out a bit.

The first half has pretty good dungeons. Fairly well signposted. Good and fair experiences. The latter half is hell. Unbalanced, terrible dungeon design, poorly signposted mess of a game. It's infuriately hard.

Examples, drop rates are terrible. Hey you need magic for this boss, sorry the boss doesn't drop it. That's just terrible design. I should not fail because I don't have enough of a consumable that I was supposed to magically know to conserve for the boss despite it also being the gimmick of the dungeon. Bad Design.

Oh hey, the NPC across the map gives you a cryptic clue to something. Oh you didn't talk or see them? Have fun being lost! The game turns into, guess what the devs were thinking.

There are so many cases of infuriating design. Things don't drop when you need them. Making you have to leave the dungeon. Bosses don't drop required consumables needed to beat the boss. Requiring you to either die, try and grind out what you need, or leave. Late game dungeons are infuriating to get around. Late game bosses are infuriating to fight. Do you want to fight a boss with conveyor belts, moving spikes everywhere, spiked walls, etc. You are constantly taking damage out of your control. Just bad game design all around. You want to guess what the devs were thinking because you didn't talk to dude in cave. You want a boss that keeps knocking you off a ledge thus resetting it's health.

Oh and my favorite terrible design decision. A required item to beat a boss is in a random cave and you would never know. You don't get the item in the dungeon you need it for. THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE! So you get all the way through thus dungeon. You cannot beat the boss. Have no idea why or where to go to solve the problem. You cannot defend that terrible decision.

I wanted to like this game so much. I had to force my way through it. This game did not age well. It has some great sprite work. Some fun genre defining ideas. A lot of bangin music. It's too bad that the 2nd half is a miserable experience.

My first 2D Zelda experience although i finished another one first. I found this game too hard for me as a kid :D. It must have been quite the revolution back in the days and some stuff was pretty cool. 2D Zeldas were less my style in general i suppose and today i would play the newer 2D Zelda games instead i suppose. Music is great as always, but chiptune making it less good for me by quality.

I got this game by complete accident; I was actually trying to get Four Swords Adventures. What a lucky mistake it was, though. For the time this was peak open-world, and it held up pretty well as a GameBoy Advance title. The story is pretty simple, but it's a SNES game so to be expected.

It IS the First Zelda Game that is still playable
today but some Game Elements are outdated and didn't aged that Well

It truly is an incredible 2D Legend of Zelda game, but unfortunately that means it is all about the gameplay.
The freedom, the exploration, the puzzles, the dungeons and the music are all top notch, but I love narrative over everything else so the backseat taken by the story didn't let me love this game.
Everything people say about it is true, it's a great Zelda game, just not the type of Zelda game for me

It could be the best GBA Zelda game because it's really beautiful, has a good music, its dungeons are so good, (the bosses too), the collection of the items... But its major problem is the story, although I apprecciate the original structure. And the level curve could be better

Great game, totally worth playing even today. Great pixelart, good musics, very good dungeons and tons of items to collect. It may be found a bit difficult, so I recommend using a guide in that case.

This review contains spoilers

(18 hearts, All items except one obtained (Cane of Byrna))

Wow! This game has aged incredibly well. There's honestly not much to say about this one other than - it's
great. There is still your share of outdated early 2000's era bs, but considering how old the game is, I'm willing
to overlook most of these things. If I got stuck on advancing the main quest, I didn't feel bad looking up what
the next step was since most of the time, you would have to go to one specific point on the map to do something
that doesn't have any indicators or cues, and even once you do it, it's not always clear what you're supposed to
do next. Especially stuff like getting the mega bomb, upgrading your sword to the maximum strength, using your
hookshot across the river in dark world, and using the flute to fast travel to the swamp dungeon off the top of
my head, among other things. Exploring is absolutely mandatory in this game, and main story progression is locked
behind obscure secrets and puzzles. These days, these secrets would lead to optional upgrades and main story items
would be easier to obtain. Is that better game design? Probably, and I think I do prefer it. But despite all of this,
most of these puzzles are suprisingly intuitive now that I'm adult. I remember playing this as a kid and I'm pretty
sure I never even got the Master Sword. Also, coming to a point in the main story that's supposed to be a roadblock
to get a certain item, but I already found that item through exploring is extremely satisfying. I guess what I'm
trying to say is I think things have evolved for the better, but I can appreciate what this game does. I fully
admit that I would be much, much more frustrated with this game if I decided never to use a walkthrough though.
Gaming purists might scoff at me for it, but I don't care. Combat also kinda sucks, but it's fine. I'll give it a
pass because of the limitations of the time. And Ice Palace. All my homies hate Ice Palace. But everything other
than this stuff is superb, with the dungeons being the main highlight. The dungeon design is so expertly crafted,
I can't believe that they were created over 20 years ago. The music, atmosphere, and NPC quests are also great,
and it was awesome seeing all the NPC's that I helped and talked to throughout the game. Kid me, I finally beat
this game for ya.

I prefer the SNES version overall, but I really like the added voice lines to Link, giving him more charm than ever!

Há uma razão para esse ser clássico. Diferente do Zelda 1 e Zelda 2, a versão remaster do GBA tem uma mecânica bem atual.
O jogo pode ser difícil ou fácil, depende se você quer jogar com o Cane of Byrna e quatro poções de magia ou na moral com uma espada e fé no desvio. Música boa, design bom, inimigos bonitos (toma essa Zelda 2) e aquela história sem muita profundidade, mas fofinha.
Dos jogos mais "velhos", esse é o que mais recomendo

don't remember playing this but I think it was good

TLOZ: A Link to the Past (1991): Prácticamente injugable sin guía, si te dejas sin hacer algo "opcional", puedes no terminar el juego, o quedarte atascado permanentemente. Tiene muy buenas ideas, y es la semilla que hizo grande a Ocarina of Time, pero ha envejecido fatal (6,20)

Pretty fantastic game, compelling gameplay and cool items and level design

Another version of the second best Zelda game.

Um game antigo e bem divertido da franquia, ótimo para passar o tempo, e possui uma mecânica bacana para a época.