Reviews from

in the past

Plumbers don't wear ties...they go to space!

Have so much love for this game. It’s what got me into space as a kid. It’s just such a lovely experience to go back to every few years. The music is one of the best soundtracks for any game period. The characters, levels, skyboxes, the tiny details in the textures, all of it I just love.

One of the greatest games on the system, and a perfect example of why Nintendo is the king of creativity. The way this game utilizes gravity, the unique structures of each planet. the new power-ups, and the control of the game in general is truly great. Even the story of this game, which is usually light for this series, has depth and intrigue, especially with Rosalina.

If I had one complaint about this game, it would be the linearity of it all. This game wants to have the open-world feel of 64 or Sunshine, but I don't think that comes through properly. I get that this is a small nitpick overall but that goes to show just how spectacular this game is. This is a must-play for the system, hands down and deserves the recognition it gets.