Reviews from

in the past

Wow! I’ve never played a game that gave me this feeling before. It’s not so much fear as it is…dread the whole time, and it’s fantastic.

The whole game is one big interconnected puzzle and it feels great! The tension is inescapable, and the only way to fight it back is with some very good gunplay, making you feel just powerless enough to struggle your way through it. Every design decision feels so purposeful that it brings game design to new heights.

I couldn’t talk about Resident Evil 2 without mentioning how masterfully cinematic it is. The game is gorgeous. Every cutscene is a treat to watch, all the animations so fluid, and even the lighting, sounds, and environments expertly crafted. Every single enemy is delightfully horrifying, and the dialogue and writing are movie level too. The story won’t be remembered as anything special, but the characters are excellent and I walked away loving both Claire and Leon.

My only worry with this game was that playing the second route as Leon would be repetitive. It definitely can be in certain portions, particularly the start and end, but I was pleasantly surprised with the new areas, mix-ups in the locations of everything, and the pace being much faster. Each route also has unique stories and side characters, making the second run far more enjoyable than I expected.

A unique, tension-filled treat.

um dos melhores resident evil desparadissimo

É um remake muito acertado, ele respeita muito do jogo original, e ainda assim, consegue inovar em cenários e inimigos, os gráficos são excelentes, a jogabilidade também, eu só não gostei tanto do William, achei que ele meio que ficou sem peso aqui, o Mister X acaba se tornando o vilão principal do game, até pela quantidade de vezes em que ele aparece, que é muito superior ao William, mas, a maior critica que eu faço ao jogo, é em relação a dificuldade, tanto alguns zumbis, quanto o próprio Mister X, simplesmente não morrem, você apenas atordoa eles, mas, logo em seguida eles se levantam, eu não curti isso.