Reviews from

in the past

Really great to see street fighter doing something new and interesting with the series. An absolutely amazing game that I'll definitely play for a while.

I don't know if they could have made a street fighter game better than this one.

Just a stupidly good game, at least as good as Third Strike in gameplay and has more conveniences and QoL improvements than any other fighter I've played.
It mulitplayer is bascally flawless, training modes are more robust than they ever have been and it has Tour mode, which is worth a go just to see the World Warriors hanging out. (Looking forward to them fitting Akuma in there somehow).

The real magic happens when you can play with a buddy though. As someone who struggles with competetive games online, I wouldn't get nearly as much milage out of this without a good friend to play with regularly. Luckily i have that, and our 20 year long Ken/Ryu rivalry is more fun than it ever has been. DRAGON LASH!

I love it.