Reviews from

in the past

This game asks an interesting question of can the post apocalypse afford to have a fair justice system and democracy. And I think it’s best writing aspects are when it gets into the poltics of the world, and when it lets the player make interesting choices that each have their own benefits and consequences.

I got the best ending on my first playthrough but even to get that peaceful ending that benefits everyone in the long run I had to make some tough choices that I went back and forth on, I had to compromise with people I overall didn’t like, but in the end it was worth it because the way I shaped the world with the characters I built and put effort into making and making the choices I felt was right.

The lets you make 4 player made characters so I don’t have to constantly remake my character for the best results I can make each one really good at a few things, which let me have more clear defined roles and made up personalities for my silly little roleplaying experience. Which I also think helped me actually make choices in the game.

You can also have 2 pre established companions in the party with sidequests and personalities, while there isn’t a lot I think they all do stand out in some way, party members are always a plus for me. You can build them anyway you want them they just have certain things they are already good at so use them to fill your party or build your party around your favorite.

This game is near perfect for me but there’s some things that hold it back, if you don’t know this game is made by some of the devs that worked on fallout 1/2 and you can really feel the fallout 2 influence for better and worse

That game has an overabundance of referential humor and sometimes it lands and sometimes I roll my eyes for how much it relies on it, I praised the political writing, but the humor and wacky side of this series is where it’s lacking I do think this game is funny, not as funny as OG fallout games or even new Vegas, but a lot of funny parts are when they aren’t just referencing a movie.

There was also unfortunately some weird glitches and crashes, especially one where characters would talk about how I’m so cool I saved a character then instantly say how I’m awful because I let that same character die.

It wasn’t gamebreaking but it was really noticeable and I felt it should have been fixed but I get these kinds of games have these bugs.

I also played multiplayer a bit and while it’s fun I wouldn’t recommend the first playthrough, unless you guys want to be murder hobos, or only one person is making story choices.

Despite those issues I think this game has a fascinating world and insanely fun gameplay that really scratched that itch left by fallout 2 for a crpg of this nature and I actually want to try the older games and other crpgs people praise.

Wasteland 3 as a CRPG doesn't have the best overall story or writing, but is one of my favorite RPGs in terms of gameplay. The turn-based, XCOM-adjacent combat and encounter design is excellent and the game has great pacing and progression.