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Wolfenstein: The New Order is a first-person shooter game developed by MachineGames and released in 2014. on consoles and PCs.

You're playing as William B.J. Blazkowicz who after the assault on Deathshead fortress was severely injured and was in a coma for 14 years. After waking up from the coma, you decide to find and free the anti-Nazi Resistance and help them defeat Deathshead.
Similar to The Old Blood (if you decided to rather play the prequel, The Old Blood, before The New Order, even though it was released the following year) you have a morality choice to make at the beginning of the story. This time the choice will slightly affect your gameplay, unlike in Old Blood, where there was no impact.
The gameplay is mostly similar to The Old Blood, but this game also expands the roster of weapons by adding, for example, a handy laser gun, which is used as a cutter, so that you can access numerous hidden places, but it is also used as a powerful gun. Since batteries power this weapon, you must recharge it instead of just reloading.
The part that I had the most fun with was the short zero-gravity fight with three drones, unfortunately, they haven't used the zero-gravity more, but overall the part when you're on the Moon is so far my favorite.
To be able to access additional game content, you have to collect and decipher enigma codes which can be found around the map.
When comparing The Old Blood and The New Order, I see that The New Order is better in any part of the game: gameplay, story, action and mission variety.

All in all, a great game, with a longer and better story, when compared to its prequel.