Reviews from

in the past

Tremendo shooter. Matar nazis siempre mola no?

jpensais qu'on jouait dans l'autre camp moi

Really cool story concept but looking back it wasn’t very memorable

I appreciate that stealth was somewhat doable in this game. If it wasn't for that I'd rate it lower. Felt unbalanced and annoying a lot of the time. I was trapped in one area for a long time because the game saved me in a corner that I could not backtrack from when I had almost no ammo and almost no hp. The most previous save was way too far back for it to be worth it.

It was whatever. Pretty bland first person shooter

it's alright, no clue if this was made for console or pc but the pc version felt kinda sloppily thrown together, shittily mixed audio, bugged animations, sometimes sequences would fail to start so i'd have to reset to the last checkpoint, was pretty annoying. the gunplay feels pretty nice and the levels were fun occasionally.

the narrative was a big whatever to me, felt like a decent call of duty campaign at best; feels like they could've done a lot more with the unique setting of the nazis winning WW2 but it kinda felt like a story i'd seen play out a billion times before, BJ is a really cool protagonist however.

i might play the new colossus but idk if it'd be any time soon, maybe if i'm itching for more fun action shooter stuff.

doom if it was realistic
kill nazi robots
become ungovernable

This review contains spoilers

This game was incredibly fun, but man does Blazkowicz escape death countless times throughout the story. He should have died several times, but just found a way to survive. It felt like a cop out to keep him alive through all of those situations. I wish they would have found more ways to get him out of fatal moments besides he "just survives".

Outside of that, the gun play and fighting was super fun. I switched weapons constantly when I could. As impractical as the moon mission was, that was such a fun mission, especially for the short time you walk on the moon. Took me back to Moon on Call of Duty: Black Ops 1. Overall, really fun. This game makes you hate Nazi's more than you already do.

A game that presents an alternative story of World War II, where Nazi Germany emerges victorious by developing the atomic bomb before the USA, leading to the Nazis occupying all of Europe. It's a storyline that I find intriguing.

In terms of gameplay, you engage in first-person shooting, taking down Nazis across various scenarios. If you're drawn to the game's theme (and enjoy killing Nazis), this game is for you.

When 95% of video game writing sucks, you never expect the Nazi killing DOOM clone to have a strong script.

If I were to play this again (just for fun), I'd probably drop the difficulty some. I'm sure it's a skill issue, but on "I am Death Incarnate," even the grunts were shredding me. I felt slightly less like a badass because of this. Next time I'm either playing Uber, getting all the achievements, and losing my mind, or I'm cruising on Game Journalist difficulty and enjoying the fantastic set pieces this game has to offer.

Game is good. You can kill Nazis with two guns at once. Game is good.

this game is actually so fire, it think it has some flaws to it but i think that’s just because of how old it is now, im in the middle of the second game and i think i like that one more.

Interesting that they made a video game about Kanye fans

The U boat and Moon missions were the best. Love the Moon mission music with the space-y blippy bloops

This game perfectly blends a very good heartfelt story with the pure bliss of killing giant Nazi robots while double-wielding two automatic shotguns. Honestly the best first person shooter since Half-Life 2.

( ) Horrível
( ) Ruim
( ) Pixel Art/Retro
(X) Aceitável
( ) Bom
( ) Ótimo
( ) Cada quadro foi pintado por Da Vinci

( ) Que história??
( ) Até tem história, mas não entendi nada
( ) Tem história só pra não dizer que não tem
(X) Uma história digna de prestar atenção
( ) Uma história bem elaborada
( ) Mais complexa que Machado de Assis

( ) Tudo trabalhado igual a coluna de uma senhora de 90 anos
( ) Horrível
( ) Ruim, mas com muita determinação até que vai
( ) Esquisito no começo, mas você acostuma
( ) Boa
( ) Gostoso de jogar
(X) Orgasmo para os dedos/mãos

Trilha sonora
( ) Preferia ser surdo
( ) Deixa mutado
( ) Nada de especial
(X) Boa
( ) Memorável
( ) Toque isso no meu funeral

( ) Horrível
( ) Ruim
( ) Ok
(X) Bom
( ) Absurdamente gostoso de ouvir

Nível de diversão
( ) Tão legal quanto assistir uma poça d'água evaporar
( ) Da pra passar um tempo
(X) Vai te prender por horas!
( ) Meu mundo melhorou depois de jogar isso aqui
( ) Já amanheceu ???

( ) Dá pra jogar
( ) Os bugs deixam o jogo mais divertido
( ) Alguns bugs
(X) A palavra bug é desconhecida
( ) Esse jogo saiu perfeito do forno

Tempo de jogo
( ) 1-5 horas
(X) 8-15 horas
( ) 15-35 horas
( ) 35-50 horas
( ) 50-100 horas
( ) +100 horas

Para melhor experiência
( ) Desinstalar
(X) O jogo é Offline
( ) SinglePlayer
( ) Todas formas são boas
( ) Multiplayer - SinglePlayer gosta muito rápido

Vale a pena ?
( ) Arrependimento
( ) Reembolsa isso ai
( ) É bom, mas pra zerar uma vez só
(X) Recomendo!
( ) Muito bom de jogar
( ) Bom pra caralho, JOGUEM!
( ) Queria apagar a memória só pra me encantar de novo

Considerações finais

(Pontos Positivos)
-> É prazeroso a troca de tiros nesse jogo
-> Gore legal
-> Os "perks" se adaptam ao seu estilo de jogo

(Pontos Negativos)
-> Sem legenda PT/BR
-> Os cenários poderiam ser muito mais trabalhados

Pretty solid game that dabbles with the story of an alternative history where the Nazis won the Second World War. The game has a very gritty atmosphere, and has impactful storytelling which does use cutscenes to move the plot along, kind of an immersion breaker compared to how stories were told in other first person games I have played. Not as much player choice that affects the game as a whole, but you are forced to make a difficult decision related to some side characters that is ultimately pretty inconsequential. Gameplay is pretty good, with a "perk system" that allows you to unlock passive abilities upon completing certain challenges. Sometimes, you are given an option to clear an area stealthily, but it is certainly not Dishonored level of stealth gameplay. Guns feel pretty powerful and satisfying to use against Nazi scum, especially when dual-wielding them. Not much side content contained within the game, apart from some more challenging versions of the campaign.

Just call him Jimi Hendrix you cowards

Gostoso demais matar nazista.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is a game that Screengame turned to in a desperate attempt to escape the monotony of shovelware. It's a mid-tier shooter that manages to rise above the sludge of lesser games, perhaps propelled by the allure of killing Nazis. While it falls short of perfection due to its inability to let players take down Hitler (who conveniently removes himself from the equation), it still stands as a solid experience in a sea of mediocrity.

Score: 8/10

This is the best American propaganda of all time

Oyun fps açlığınızı giderecek türde güzel.Vuruş hissi gayet güzel,hikayesi iyi,boss savaşları da hiç fena değil.Oynayın oynattırın.

the only place to legally shoot nazis

I loved this game. I havent played a series this good in such a long time, i recommend this to people who love a shooter and love killing Nazi's.

boring as hell nah man ain't for me

Pisas cabezas de nazis, cortas a nazis, disparas a nazis, muerdes a nazis, explotas a nazis

Шикарный перезапуск, заслуживающий вашего внимания. Тот случай, когда сюжет в шутере от первого лица играет немаловажную роль и воистину потрясающий!

Replay. The sequel to this is one of the most absurdly fun games I've ever played. It's tonally all over the shop but always entertaining; almost like Yakuza in its blend of the serious and the ridiculous. This isn't quite as nuts as the second game, but it's still an absolute blast. And dang, the visuals really hold up -- hard to beleive this is nearly a decade old.

The gunplay feels great and the the story was engaging, but then you die and realize "oh, respawning takes a full fucking minute loading screen." And then you die again. And again. Staring at an obnoxiously long loading screen between each attempt is garbage.