Reviews from

in the past

I was enjoying the challenge, and about the halfway point I just couldn't be bothered playing any more. Not a clue why. Like a switch flipped in my mind and went "You're done with this".

I've noticed this happening to me more and more, and I'm fine with it. I used to push on with games I was clearly going cold on, because in my mind I NEEDED to finish what I'd started. But since I hit my 30s, it's like I've managed to stop lying to myself, and allow me permission to just drop stuff if I'm not feeling it. It's very liberating. Try it sometime!

the controls in this game feel like you sank in a bog

this game's audience is the megaman no damage run/mario maker extreme maps players because its lack of fluid controls with a fuck you game design philosophy makes it really irritating to play as someone who isn't into difficult platforming

Really enjoyed this when it came out but it has not aged well, just feels frustrating to play now. At least when IWBTG has 'gotcha' deaths that you can't anticipate, it throws in some humor with it.

1001 Spikes is an incredibly difficult game to review be if you are reviewing it based on how it plays in terms of it's design. This game is incredibly crisp in design. But this game came out in a landscape of difficult indie game and is arguably the most difficult of it's age. it is a not only a precision platformer but one that does not allow you to stop. This may be a personal issue but with this experience, and the addition of two different jumps in combination with unexpected traps led me to actually run out of two runs. It took me so long to beat, that it was an inside joke of mine as the forever backlog #1 item (due to it's name in alphanumeric order being at the top). This game is sound, in control, and the deaths for the most part felt like my fault. The issue is, I have no idea who I'd recommend this to other than streamers looking for the hot new stream rage game. Because of this, I'm going to have to leave this at a 3 stars. If you liked a game like Super Meat Boy, this might be up your alley but might be too much. If you liked La Mulana? Same story. If you like beating your head against the same thing over and over again, then this is worth a shot

I really liked the puzzle aproach to the platforming. It's neatly designed. Though, it's published by Nicalis and have some bad stuff in it.

Levels are all short enough that it's satisfying to figure out how to get thru em. The multiplayer is a nice addition as well, and Curly Brace my beloved makes an appearance.

i'm terrible at it, but respect it

it's alright if you like that kind of thing.

An alright hard platformer, but I've played way better. Decent graphics and music, and the level design is alright, but it's also got some questionable stuff in it, courtesy of Nicalis. Play the original version instead of this one.

The videogame as machine of death. In which you must become a machine to survive. One so precisely calibrated that flow is not optional. It’s the only way through.

Its difficulty isn’t about triumph or accomplishment. It’s about recognizing the machine for what it is, recognizing the machine that is you. One will adapt to the other. And 1001 Spikes does not adapt.

It is, not coincidentally, a game of fathers and sons, of anxiety and repetition. In the end it feels complete, the final word on its own masochism.

The final words of the actual game? ~ Thanks Mom

Conflicted on this. Aban Hawkins is really cool, and I'm impressed at its multithreaded levels (lots of focus on block spacing, cycles, and mixing those two concepts to make some really intuitive levels) but I take issue with its difficulty progression.

It's initial difficulty stems from the player's lack of knowledge on how the game works; as goes for any game. I'm sure I had a weird time playing 1-1 on the original Super Mario Bros. for the first time. Like Super Mario Bros., though, 1001 Spikes doesn't take a long time to fully grasp. You can walk, run, jump, shoot knives, and all of that is required to interact and make your way through levels full of traps. It's obviously a very trial and error game, but never once did I find myself worried I'd lose all 1001 of my lives. By the third act of the game, I felt like I was operating on a higher skill level than the game anticipated. I'm not trying to say I was "TOO GOOD AT 1001 SPIKES", but I definitely shouldn't be completing some of the endgame levels on my first try, and then draining 300 lives on the next. The entire game, for this reason, feels inconsistent and not worth it.

I conquered everything the game threw at me, and while I can say I enjoyed 1001 Spikes, it perhaps is only worth a quick look. Also, the game would get 3 stars from me if the PC port wasn't handled by Nicalis and I didn't lose my entire save multiple times well into the game. Fantastic art direction, cool plot, great sound design, mediocre game experience.

Buying this game off of Jonathan Blow's endorsement is when I first began to suspect that dude was completely full of shit.

we need more games like the tower of babel from 1001 spikes.

whoooaaaa, it's hard! but, it's kind of too much like a kaizo game, isn't it? i don't want to memorize so many things. still, i respect you, 1001 spikes!

Fun little indie platformer that could. It’s pretty much Super Meat Boy difficulty but sometimes you’ll die and it’s because of the controls.

I did not enjoy this one. It looked unpleasant, going for an admittedly fitting retro style. For a "brutal platformer" I believe there are better options, even back when it first released.

If you're into kaizo stuff or hate yourself, then go for it.

De bonnes vibes de jeu rageant à l'ancienne comme le fameux "I Wanna Be The Guy" mais en quand même beaucoup moins dur et plus juste. Certains niveaux sont quand même très frustrants et la courbe de difficulté est un peu bizarre. Il m'est arrivé de mourir 60 fois sur un niveau et sur celui d'après le finir quasiment du premier coup. Mais je l'ai quand même trouvé assez fun.

A classic retro throwback game with brutal difficulty. Sadly the puzzle elements fall flat and the game results to more of an exercise in frustration rather than a rewarding journey.