Reviews from

in the past

100%ed in 45 minutes. It's a very chill and fun game. Also, kitties!

You find silly cats they're so silly and cute hiding in stupid places

A hidden object game where you find cats throughout an apartment building. It's simple, and introduces a somewhat annoying difficulty level by hiding cats within and behind objects entirely, only revealing them when that item has been clicked.

The star feature here is a special cat that will move when clicked in each apartment, having to be found three times before counted as found. This leads to a heartwarming narrative choice that makes the process a lot more rewarding by game's end.

Also keep an eye out for three special hidden cats within the game, especially if you're seeking a completion.

Lovely game with cute art! Aside from looking for cats, it's fun to see what shenanigans the cats have found them in (I have questions about the cat in a roll of toilet paper!)
My only wish is that there were more levels! Needless to say I immediately bought the other games as well, if only to feed Fofiño!

Comprei somente pelas conquistas e me surpreendi, positivamente.
Joguinho extremamente simples, mas muito divertido para quem gosta de brincar de "Onde esta do Wally".
Pena ser muito curto.

Sencillito pero efectivo. Lo disfruté mucho.

Frustratingly evil. Yet addctive!

A very short game but that doesn't detract from its enjoyment. A hidden objects game where all the objects are cats to pet. I would suggest getting it on sale given theres only really an hours worth of game play at most but it's a lovely little time waster with lovely aesthetics, each level has it's own character and can easily be replayed (once you forget where the kitties were).

A very simple and unpretentious game to find cats. 50 minutes of pleasure, 10 minutes WHERE IS THIS SWEET Adorable CAT, HOW TO FIND YOU!!!

Очень простая и незатейливая игра по поиску котиков. 50 минут удовольствия, 10 минут ГДЕ ЭТОТ МИЛЫЙ ОБВОРЖИТЕЛЬНЫЙ КОТИК, КАК ЖЕ ТЕБЯ НАЙТИ!!!

took an hour to 100%, had fun looking for the cats. Good art and music, rondo approves.

Really cute and wholesome. Finding the last few cats is a real challenge. Great fun to play with a friend or partner.

It promised a building full of cats and that's exactly what I got.

It's a short hidden object game with cats. My gameplay consisted mostly of clicking on everything that looked even remotely clickable, bc I decided to go full-on petting every cat in the vicinity. Money and time well spent.

P.S. The devs added the bunker floor after I finished the game. Not a fan of these kind of decisions since they're easy to miss.

In 2022 I went through one of the toughest times in my life, and A Building Full of Cats helped me out. I didn’t want to think, I just wanted something pretty and no-stress, and as it turned out, finding cats was pretty therapeutic.

There were several levels, the total number of cats in the hundreds, some hiding away. The artwork was colourful and great to look at, with full marks on being cute.

I immediately went into A Castle Full of Cats because I couldn't get enough.

cute and fun little timewaster. pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. the stock music got a little grating but that's no big deal.

Hidden object game with cute art. Pretty nothing

chorei com a mensagem do final do jogo :')

As usual, I love these games. Finding and petting cats always makes me feel better.

Ich LIEBE dieses Spiel und die Nachricht dahinter!
Dont shop, ADOPT!


Another great game from Devcats! In this game you need to find hidden cats and pet each one of them, even the ones in hiding! A lovely experience of a hidden object type of game, with lovely soundtrack and cute looking cats!
Who wouldn't want to live in a building full of cats?

why do they have a nuclear bunker though