Reviews from

in the past

I've only watched raocow's LP of this game, but it's very charming and manages to say a lot with relatively few words. There's a rare sort of passion and sincerity on display here, and I'm glad Nippon Ichi was willing to provide a platform for a game like this.


A very charming puzzle platformer that hits you in the feels.
The dark atmosphere, music, and color palate but cute art style really work well together.
The puzzles are fun and unique with a decent amount of challenge later on.
I really enjoyed this game and.... no im not crying, there's just something in my eye.

The physics are a little weird at times but they work 90% of the time anyway.

Man I've almost cried

Eu amo esse jogo, um dos melhores que eu joguei, a história, a arte, a gameplay, todos os jogos da NIS desse estilo são sensacionais, esses jogos podem ser muito difíceis as vezes, mas vale a pena.
Eu sou apaixonado por esse jogo, um jogo perfeito, recomendo muito.

"Não aceitamos nosso próprio defeito por puro instinto
Uma rosa é perfeita, não só por ser bela
Mas também por ter os espinhos"