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Lo que Ace Combat 5 no pudo ser + Españita.

Oh sons and daughters of Belka, luckily the roaring of jet engines hasn't made me so dense to not spy through your deceptions. Perhaps getting soldier ace isn't such an exciting objective for it's not associated with a platinum trophy(?), believe me I too am not a proponent of war just like them playstation 4 exclusives (pet your son now with 16 times the detail™), but I'm not one for turning the other cheek either. They say those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible - maybe my visions are dreamer-like or borderline schizophrenic? Whatever the case, let's make the skies tremble once more as we issue ragnarök.

the so called demon lord when he throws 20 missiles but the ace squadrons still call me good.

This game has aged so well it rivals recently developed arcade flying titles. It's honestly worth playing just for the soundtrack alone.

I hate one-time finishers, beat the damn game at least three times

Demon Lord of the Round Table... I pray for your success!

ALL non essential targets ought to have affected morality. There was no reason to set aside specific targets for that purpose as essentially nothing more a switch that you flip by shooting a missile at it. ("Kill these if you're doing the evil route, otherwise don't.") It's overly mechanical and offers no decision making like "oh that gun turret is annoying but if I kill it I become evil". The only tension comes from having to guess how many to kill if you're doing the neutral route, since you can't view your new morality in real time. You ought to have been able to.

But in general games with multiple story paths are always maidworky and age with comparatively less grace and are more laborious to revisit. Sometimes you want to be able to just pick up a game and experience it again and not have to get out a spreadsheet.

Anyway, good game. Great music.
hey buddy still alive yadda yadda

Simplesmente o melhor jogo que já joguei, um gênero novo pra mim, mas nunca vi um jogo com tantas mecânicas e sistemas desse jeito e melhor ainda, sobre aviões, esse jogo é lindo em tudo, apenas jogue e aprecie, pilotar é a melhor coisa do mundo!

I wish the game was a bit longer/more fleshed out, but this is another good one.

Flight controls are just borked and the styling of the game makes motion nauseating. Not for me.

I try not to focus too much on how I score a game, but I'm really at my odds with myself here. On the one hand, Ace Combat Zero is an Ace Combat game, which means there's a high baseline of enjoyment to be had. On the other, this is the 7th AC game I've played, and if the game doesn't bring something exciting to the table, my weariness is going to set in. And truthfully, this is the first time I've felt that there's truly so little that sets this game apart from its predecessors.

This game looks like AC4 and 5, it controls like them too. One thing you can count on to be different is the story, which to me took a bit of a back seat. The cutscenes, when they happen, tend to be quite long, but missions are generally short and these scenes only show up after knocking out a few. I wasn't all that invested in the plot, nor the characters, which you really need to be for one of the late game plot twists to deliver. There are some brilliant moments; while the final level fails to deliver a groundbreaking combat experience, it is a narratively epic conclusion, enhanced by another excellent, albeit often unmemorable, soundtrack.

Now we take a quick detour to the hangar, which I've neglected to discuss in detail in any prior review. This is for the simple reason that it just works, even if each game deviates from the last somewhat. 5 had my favourite implementation, as I often hit S Ranks, I felt rewarded in that I could buy any aircraft I wanted, and any excess money could be poured into buying spares for the rest of my squad. I prefer each plane having its own distinct special weapon, as it helps to set them apart. Zero returns to the way 04 handled things, which isn't my preference but is fine. Now you can get up to 3 special weapons for each aircraft, but... everything is so expensive! Despite getting S Ranks on 16/18 missions (on hard difficulty mind you), I could barely afford to buy anything! This, combined with the fact that you unlock the SU-37 barely an hour or so into the game, meant I rigidly stuck to the same couple of planes for the entire experience. Perhaps it's a fault of me that I didn't experiment, but I didn't felt that this game was at all conducive to doing so.

"Are the missions good?" I hear you ask. To that, my answer is a resounding "I guess." While I wouldn't necessarily single out any specific mission to call bad, I don't know if I could do the opposite either. Despite having a much shorter campaign than 5, the objectives here blend together into mush. Destroy air targets, destroy ground targets, destroy air and ground targets! It's almost nothing you haven't seen before and while this would serve as a solid if not fantastic introductory Ace Combat experience, it's so utterly lacking in individuality.

The core distinction in Ace Combat Zero is the 'yellow' targets. When shooting down certain aircraft, they are sometimes neutralized instead of destroyed. They are weak, using the last ounce of power to flee the battlefield. In this scenario, you can choose to shoot them down or let them live. This extends to certain ground targets also, such as windmills or tents which don't push your mission forward, but would 'harm' the enemy. Whether or not you shoot these down affects your Ace Style, which ranges from a cruel mercenary to a noble knight. You'd expect this to have some impact on the story, but as far as I can tell, it just affects the enemy squadrons you face throughout the game. These fights are fine, but just amount to simple dogfights that I rarely found to have anything distinguishing themselves from the countless other nameless aircrafts you face. It would be generous to call the system half-baked, as I'm not even sure it was put in the oven. If I wasn't playing these games back to back, directly contrasting them against each other, I might neglect to mention it altogether!

So while Zero serves as an incredibly solid dogfighting simulation by virtue of being an Ace Combat game, I don't feel as if it did the Belkan War justice. This is an iconic precursor to the events of the entire series, yet rarely has moments that earn it that stature.

didn't think you can make one of the few vidya games working moral systems in a plane game

Peak AC, it's not even funny how much better this is than ac5

Plane games aren't much my speed, but Ace Combat Zero is quite a blast. Killer music, fluid controls, phenomenal sound, just a great audio-visual package that feels smooth and responsive to play. The amount of customization on offer as well as the different modes makes this a massive value package I would highly recommend to fans of the genre, and a good starting point for those like me who aren't well acclimated.

Mi favorito de los que llevo jugados sin duda; con una jugabilidad que es una delicia y la ost en modo fuego el juego es una autentica maravilla de principio a fin, cortito y super disfrutable

The best balance of story and gameplay within the series, easy. A true epic, the anti-war sentiment feels very strong here, especially playing as a merc. Great missions and characters, Pixy is standout and one of the best in the whole series, and the flight model & plane selection is great. Also complimented by the Ace Meter, giving you different cutscenes and squad engagements depending on how virtuous you are, sparing or killing enemy fighters, or doing a mix of both. Gives great replay value because of this. It's all that's good about Ace Combat as a series, thought-provoking messages mixed with sublime jet combat. A PS2 must-play.

I had this in my backlog for a very long time and finally decided to play it after beating Armored Core 6 for obvious reasons.

peak ace combat. the gameplay has been tuned to perfection, only being beaten out by its modern contemporary. the story is a fantastic view on war, imperialism, nationality, pride and borders. the soundtrack is an incredible blend of metal and flamenco with prog elements. my only real problem with it are that the super important live action cutscenes they made were dubbed over, and it's super noticeable because some characters don't even fathom the idea of lipsyncing (schnee). the games later difficulties can also cause you to want to blow your brains out.

Out of all Ace Combat games, this one has the most striking presentation and the most cohesive overall experience that shines in every way while trimming a lot of the fat from its predecessor, making it an exciting ride from beginning to end.

The best of the PS2 era of Ace Combat games.

Those who survive a long time on the battlefield thinks they're invincible.

I bet you do too, buddy.

I highly recommend giving this a try if you haven't played Ace Combat yet. This game is a worthy member of the holy trinity of Ace Combat games, and the main attraction of this game in particular is your wingman; Pixy. He is easily one of the best characters in the entire series.

Borderless windowed mode propaganda