Reviews from

in the past

Really cool ideas, but the online is still terrible.

Die Xcomkämpfe hätte es wirklich nicht gebraucht.
Jede Einheit muss einzeln mühsam von A nach B bewegt werden und das in jeder Runde, in jeder Schlacht... oder man drückt eben Autokampf, was bei nahezu jeder Schlacht der Fall ist.

A lot of depth, but I found the controls fiddly and the tutorial lacking.

An extremely good evolution of the playstyle of Age of Wonders 3. The latest updates, particularly the galactic empire mode, represent a massive move forward that will hopefully remain present in whatever from AoW takes next.

As much as I liked XCOM: Enemy Unknown and disliked XCOM 2, I've grown to really resent both games for popularizing the dumbest and most boring take on combat systems in turn-based strategy games. In Planetfall it's even worse. The painful slog of positioning, the annoying RNG, the cheap AI. This style of combat really has no purpose other than to be frustrating and soul-crushing. It's not HARD, I'm winning easily as I did in both XCOMs, it's just stupid and devoid of strategy. Stop copying XCOM combat, it's cheap, frustrating, boring and provides no strategy whatsoever. The Civilization part of the game is pretty shallow, the story is terrible. I was looking for some kind of hook in this game, but there just isn't one.

Un estilo de juego que no me intereso