Reviews from

in the past

When your development team has made something as cool as Otocky, surely you try to keep that ambition for your next game. Well they certainly attempted with this game, this tries to copy Space Harrier and I mean it's very blatant about copying it. Is it any good? Maybe back then but now not really.

This game has you controlling a schoolgirl off to save her friend from animals. Now if it was just a copy of space harrier 1-1 then I wouldn't mind this but we gotta talk about the shots. I swear it's hard to aim at things and I feel like it can't be my fault. I had no issue shooting things in Space Harrier II. It just feels flawed and even the bosses suck, you can't even shoot and kill them, you have to shoot the enemies and then he just randomly dies.

The game looks neat for the time, it's nothing really bad and some of the designs are kind of quirky. The first boss in itself is awesome. The girl you play as also changes costumes a few times which is a nice touch. The game also let you play in 3D if you had the peripheral for it. The music is nothing good because I swear they sounded like variations on each other and it got annoying.

Overall it's a nice effort but it doesn't really appeal to me, you could do worse in fact I hear Space Harrier on the Famicom is worse then this. It's only for those who are very curious or just want to play every 8 bit game that stars a female.

Game Review - originally written by Gideon Zhi (founder of AGTP)

This game’s a Space Harrier clone. It’s not a -bad- Space Harrier clone, but it’s not a particularly good one either. The music is kinda catchy, the graphics are decent - especially the fact that your little heroine character will change outfits if the level you’re playing warrants it, which is quite a nice touch - but the fact of the matter is that she moves just a liiiiiittle too slowly, you can only fire two or three shots at a time, and the screen is usually filled with so much stuff that it’s almost impossible to survive. I beat the game by savestating through it, but that gigantic panda-thing with the huge eyes and submachinegun still gives me nightmares… okay, maybe not, but still! I’m going to say, “Try it, you might like it! And if you don’t, it builds character.” and leave this review at that.