Reviews from

in the past

Imprecise & floaty controls, some of the messiest color clashing pixel art I've seen in a long time, and a gameplay loop with a misunderstanding of what makes speedrunning enjoyable so every stage hazard is a momentum halting annoyance. The cute main character sprite and real good music couldn't save this game from itself.

I really thought I would like this game, but the level design is just rough. bad level design combined with poor controls had me checking out of this game early.

The character is tricky to control and the more hazards get introduced to a level the more cluttered and less fun they become to play. It should have focused on a few of them rather than cramming 15 different gimmicks into a single game. The Pinball level was extra rough in that regard, and when it came to portals I was just like NOPE.

Needs more polish in many regards and homing in on a few good ideas, but it's a fun scavanger hunt game which I'd rather play this as than a speedgame.