Reviews from

in the past

By the same mind behind West of Loathing, of course it's going to be a great game!

Gut gut gut GUT!!!! GUUUUUUUUT!!!! Love birdgut and how fun it is and the mantis boss theme song.

theres a funny bee, also its free
get out the bird, don't be a turd

AWESOME. i cried a little - platforming is hard. but i loved the concept and wish we had more worldbuilding. what do you mean all of that is in birdgut!!! what do you mean there's a mantis??? what do you mean this platform is soiled by my TEARS?????
it's great. you might to sit down to give some sections your all, but it's a bizarre and wonderful experience. all hail the hatless one

A pretty damn good platformer with great sound design and a lot of charm. I wish we got a bit more worldbuilding, though. It would've been really cool to see how the society inside this bird works.

Like with a lot of other puzzle-type games I've played, I felt like the difficulty progression wasn't super smooth. Certain levels/areas felt ridiculously hard and then were followed up by a level that took one attempt. And there are certain areas in the game that feel unfairly hard, difficult in a way that feels both unwarranted and impossible to adapt to. The worm in the ocean scene comes to mind. It would strike up faster than you were able to move out of its way once it appeared, and it would appear without any visual or auditory indicator. And the cart area was just so tedious in my opinion -- I came very very close to quitting because I started to feel like I was playing out of obligation to complete it and not because I was having fun.

I really do appreciate the ease of access of this game, though. Changes made to the environment that, for example, killed both you and an enemy, would leave that enemy dead when you respawned. Respawn locations were also very plentiful, but were completely unmarked. You'd automatically hit a new checkpoint when you reached a certain spot, but it wasn't until you died that you'd know where you'd be respawning.

Probably one of the best free platformers on steam.

It's a nice little platformer, especially considering it's free and takes about 2 hours to beat (a bit more if you go for secrets). There's not much to say about it, the gameplay is totally alright but the premise and setting are what makes it stand out. All things considered, this game is really well put together considering it was mostly made by one person. The passion behind the game is clear, and while there isn't a whole lot here, it's a fun game to play in one sitting.

Quirky and inventive, while still nothing revolutionary I'd still call it fun.

A charming little indie platformer with an endearing premise and art style. Love it!