Reviews from

in the past

A spiritual successor to Doors: Paradox, it embodies the same high quality and gratifying clicking progression that endeared me to its predecessor.


(If you've played Doors, it's pretty much the same, but with boxes. The puzzles are nice.)

Boxes is a very solid Room-like game with a decent number of short, self-contained puzzles and a fairly vague overarching plot. I think some of the visual effects could use a 2nd pass and the ending is rather abrupt with none of the payoff that I was hoping for.

Otherwise I think that Boxes is decently balanced. There's a steady skill curve (although the game is never difficult) and the hint system simply shows you where to look and lets you get along with playing the game. A bunch of different cultural themes and time periods are explored in the game's style with none of it looking too out-of-place.

Spin-off of the doors: lost fragments

Not bad, much shorter than the previous one but just as enjoyable.
The only problem I have had is that a bug got me stuck in a puzzle that I needed to continue but restarting the game solved it.
It's entertaining but it seemed very short and had a very anticlimactic ending.
The story doesn't hook you much, but you continue because you want to know what happens.
I really liked the design of the boxes and their themes

tried to drag it out as long as i could bc i knew i'd love it so much but ended up finishing the whole thing instead 😭

No-brainer for the Room and The House of Da Vinci fans. Less engaging story, prettier graphics, same fascinating intricate mechanisms to solve.

i kind of wish i had finished before they changed the ending, because i would have liked to see what that was! i just took too long i guess :') but i loved the puzzles and i'm excited to try doors~!

Not the first to do this concept but the first one I've played. What I appreciate about this game is it gives itself license to use magic, future tech, impossible space etc but always remains pretty grounded in mechanical principles that makes real world puzzle boxes function. Even though the boxes are just digital shells they maintain a certain verisimilitude that has two benefits: first, gives the interaction a certain logic the player can follow, so pixel hunting and random clicking is massively reduced but still present. Second, the core appeal of a physical puzzle box is the intricate engineering; any game trying to simulate the real thing needs to hold onto that appeal as tightly as possible, or else it's just a very boring point and click adventure.

The puzzles themselves are breezy, they feel "loose" in the sense that you can mostly fumble through them without much intense thought, and while there are no repeated puzzles exactly, a good few are essentially the same process in a novel arrangement. It's not the worst condemnation, but it does leave the game feeling somewhat lacking in substance, especially with the bare bones, unfinished story.

Satisfaisant et sentiment de complétion parfaitement exécuté, encore un "The Room" like qui as parfaitement compris ce qu'on attendait d'un jeu de puzzle en 3D.

Pretty nice, satisfying tactile manipulation of puzzle boxes. It has like 25 different boxes, I think, depending on what you count as a box. Sticks to what you're looking for from the game.
The puzzles are usually more just figuring out what you're trying to do, only a couple of them are really puzzles you have to think about.
Probably not worth 15 bucks, but kind of a nice relaxing use of time.

played all free-to-play levels

The story is basic and the puzzles trivial. Several puzzles were taken straight from other games.
Going through the motion and seeing how all the puzzles open up is still enjoyable enough.