Reviews from

in the past

six year old azzy's favorite game ever. george feels far more like a Toy in my hands then any other 3d platformer character ive ever controlled...floaty, forgiving, and endlessly soft to the touch. the cast of Magical Orphans ticks every box from wish fulfilling freedom and community to overwhelm and spite and melancholy. even the finnicky vehicles feel fun and toylike. feels like a game u rent for the ps2 and have great memories with and no one else has heard of, and given how unfairly obscure this still is ig its not too far off from the truth. a place to go to be happy. and ofc the whole impetus behind the game is heartmeltingly sweet...hope that any kids who play it enjoy it as much as the little in my head did

This game took a bit to get used to because it feels very floaty, but once I did I had a fun time with it. There are collectathon sections, linear platforming challenges, some monkey ball elements and even car and submarine sections. It mixes things up enough to keep things fresh. It even has a nice little story too that hits on some surprisingly heavy themes like bullying.

A fun way to spend a few hours.... plus you play as a gooby giraffe with a jetpack so what else could you want?

A rather fun little platformer that does suffer a little from overly floaty controls and a very brief runtime but if theres a sale on and you happen to adore little 3D collectathons, you could do much worse than play this for a few hours, cosplaying as Animal Crossing's Gracie's slightly stupid brother the entire time.

more like mario on the odyssey
charmingly amateurish and surprisingly functional given all movement options you can chain together
also, look up slime boy from high guardian spice, every single character talks like this

Reviewed on 12/23/21

Honestly some of the most fun I’ve had platforming since Mario Odyssey even though it doesn’t come close to mimicking the quality. There’s not much to it other than that, but the collect-a-thon heart is alive and beating within this indie darling based on a children’s hospital mascot.

A fun way to almost spend 3hrs. It's very short and has some fun challenges. I'm not crazy about the art style but I enjoyed my time with it

Castle on the Coast is not the most engaging and innovative with its floaty controls and wonky physics. I found the jetpack early on and found it to trivialize most of the game, to the point where I almost wished that they hadn't included it as a part of the main game (it could have made for an awesome easy mode). The level design and characters are cute, however, and I did enjoy tracking down all of the game's "stars," so it definitely succeeded in evoking an old-school collectathon. It just could have done with a bit of polish!

It is what it is. Simple, short platformer that's made for kids.

Controls were floaty but never frustrating and the different mechanics in each section are all done well enough. Nothing too challenging.

Got all the trophies in about 5 hours start to finish, not the worst way to spend a lazy Sunday.

Not a fan of the visuals and how the platforming felt (very floaty). It's meant for someone, just not me

Castle on the Coast has a charming aesthetic and some decent level ideas, but it's overly simple and has a significant amount of jank. If you view this as a student project or even a first effort from a small indie dev, it's promising for their future. But it never reached the point of actually being "fun" for me. My 5 year old loves it though, for whatever that's worth.

More fun than I expected because you could manipulate the game into letting you do what was essentially 5 jumps without touching the ground. Despite being very ugly this was charming and I like that it is inspired by the mascot for a children's hospital :)

The sublime platforming of 'Super Mario 64' (honestly this giraffe jumps like an absolute BEAST!) weighed down by the boring, bland and amateurish level design of 'Yooka-Laylee', yet shorter and jankier.

Very charming 3D platformer that looks great and has a lot of character. It's quite short and the controls are a little floaty sometimes, but I had a good time with it.

a very charming art style but the level design was very bland and i just couldn't get used to the floaty controls. i did have fun jumping around though, the jump is pretty fun when you're not doing precise platforming.

really fun movement, even if it is a little overpowered. biggest complaint is the jetpack, makes the game way too easy and none of the levels really feel designed around having it.

this game felt like a dream i wouldve had when i was like 8

whoever voiced vendrick fucking slayed btw shout out to that guy in particular

This game is definitely aimed for a young audience and I think it would be perfect as someone's first platformer. As an adult, I'd still highly recommend. There's something very special about this game. The art style and storytelling is fun. Your character's movement can feel strange at first, as it is much more floaty than a lot of other 3D platformers. However, once you get the hang of it, you'll be soaring around levels in ways that are profoundly fun and satisfying.

It feels real nice to move around in this game, like its floaty, but the levels complement em. Those subspace lookin levels overstay their welcome, especially the last one. BUT was still a pretty solid time. fights sucks, costumes rock, bob up.