Reviews from

in the past

would be great if the matchmaking actually worked

Chivalry 2 is a fantastic sequel to the original. It is loaded with variety but still delivers the wacky and brutal insanity that you came to the original for. The combat feels very balanced; it is accessible and fun even when you are just learning, but has a massive skill ceiling and players are rewarded for their time spent mastering the mechanics.

First person medieval combat in all its glory.

Bom pra matar sarracenos, infiéis e hereges.

Chaotic and fun. Can't ask for much else. The controls are quite miserable but I had fun with it. Much better with friends, wouldn't recommend as I only had fun when playing with a friend, though at times can be very frustrating.

I suck but it’s really fun when I briefly stop sucking.

One negative I will say is the Xbox version not being playable without Xbox Live Gold or Gamepass even though there’s offline modes.

mekanikleri vesaire hoş ucuzda oyun ama kitlesi rezil

The best Medieval Hack and Slash, it's a great game to head on and play a few matches of in a casual manner.

Animations, the single most important part of such a game, are well below what's expected from a first person slasher now that we've all seen and played Mordhau. A terrible shame.

one of the best follow-ups to a fighting game with swords and old English. while at times i can turn my brain off and just swing, other times it can feel like a tryhards game, due to mechanical complexity and the attraction of many pvp focused players may feel. ]

also the menu's on console are just terrible, navigating thru panels with the left stick (without a cursor) should be a crime. the bugs the can come up per game do not help either.

it would be great if the game had a more PVE focus, to make it easier to introduce friends into it, like Ubisoft's "for honor". other wise i still like it the way it is.

I also appreciate that the "battle pass" is not limited by a time frame, and can be completed whenever you want. it is definitely a nice way to bring new content to the game.

recommendation: Use the Spotify console app(or equivalent app) and start a Sabaton playlist/radio. It makes the casual experience a lot more fun.

i had a lot of fun at first just enjoying the chaos and violence but once that wears thin its really just an aight game thats sort of repetitive and ok i guess

The second item on my weekend's entertainment program was a short trip to the Middle Ages. Since childhood, I have been interested in history and am a fan of the era of chivalry and noble deeds. That is why Chivalry 2 became for me a saving breath of fresh air after the horrors of GTFO and, at the same time, exciting entertainment. It's a pity that I couldn't spend enough time in it due to my busy schedule.

Modern scientists and reenactors of historical battles know firsthand how difficult it was for an ordinary knight. In the Middle Ages, people generally did not live long due to lack of hygiene and widespread disasters, to say nothing of warriors. Battles were commonplace, and noble knights in shining armor replaced each other almost daily. Once I managed to try on a lightweight replica of knight’s armor and, to be honest, I can’t even imagine how they managed to fight and navigate while clad in heavy armor. But I still don’t take into account the horsemen with pikes who burst into the ranks of opponents at exorbitant speeds.

Chivalry 2 will not offer the player historical accuracy or complex tactical gameplay, instead we will simply be able to take part in the classic “wall to wall”. It seems like there is a single player mode with bots, but personally I decided to go into multiplayer.

Before us is a brutal slasher film in a medieval setting. From the first minutes the player is sent into the thick of things and will be able to witness large-scale battles. You shouldn’t look for real facts or famous personalities here, because everything here is impersonal, but history buffs will quickly discern which events the developers decided to “cosplay.” From the very beginning, several game classes will be available to us, such as spearman, warrior, archer and others. We can change them at any time and after revival we will be able to immediately go into battle. The principle of battles here is simple and consists of a simple combination of attack + defense with the possibility of evasion and riposte.

In addition to gameplay for various classes, the game provides the ability to select any weapon from the battlefield for its subsequent use, but it is worth remembering that captured swords and axes will not be saved after death. We will also be able to use catapults and trebuchets, which can cause serious damage to enemy personnel. The gameplay consists of thematic campaigns, where some players will act as defenders and others as besiegers. Each side will pursue certain tasks that are limited by a timer. For victory, we will be given experience and battle pass points, which will open up new skins for us. The customization here is modest, but it still adds its own nuances to the gameplay. It is also worth remembering that “friendly fire” is disabled here, which means that in the heat of battle we should carefully monitor which direction we swing our sword, because here it is quite possible to accidentally cut down your teammate.

Visually, I really liked Chivalry 2. The battlefields here delight with their diversity and setting. Somewhere we will storm massive city gates, somewhere we will fight our way into an impregnable fortress, and at one point we will even try to recapture a convoy of prisoners from superior enemy forces. All this is accompanied by beautiful decorations in a medieval style with many small details. The game is replete with scenes of cruelty, and dismemberment in the heat of battle here is perceived as something ordinary. The funny thing is that even a bleeding fighter with two severed arms has the ability to kill his opponent with headbutts. The gameplay itself does not cause any difficulties and even allows you to leisurely sip a beer. Chivalry 2 is usually criticized for the abundance of cheaters and abusers, but personally I never managed to see them. To be honest, I don’t even understand how people play here for more than 10 hours, because I managed to play enough in just 2. Yes, I agree that the process of defending or attacking can be exciting, but this is only if your team wins. Otherwise, endless deaths on enemy swords and inaction of allies, followed by whining in the chat, begins to cause boredom.

I liked Chivalry 2, but only as a temporary distraction. I think it would be interesting for me to drop by here for a couple of evenings a week, but I never saw the prospect of a permanent session. The game is full of action, bloody battles and varied campaigns that keep you glued to the screen. Online play here is high, and wall-to-wall 20v20 mode looks impressive. For myself personally, I didn’t see any significant disadvantages here, except for the rehearsal gameplay and the increased presence of whiners in the chat. Otherwise, this is an excellent medieval slasher that will appeal to fans of melee combat. It was interesting for me to look into this game world and take part in large-scale battles.

If the aim is to continuously get decapitated by the enemy then I am actually very good at this game.

Güzel oyun ama beceremedim

Pensa em um jogo tipo batlefield mas medieval e que a estratégia faz a diferença bem como a habilidade no combate.
Cada partida foi diferente e isso me surprendeu muito.
Tinha cavaleiro que sozinha levava varios na habilidade.
É um jogo multiplayer que sempre tinha partida e jogadores.
Em uma cena no inverno cai no gelo com catapultas sendo arremessadas no meio do exercito. Fantastico.
Adorei a experiencia.

Se você não tiver amigos infelizmente esse jogo não vale apena

Not many things can match the pure joy of slamming giant axes into someone's head while they're busy stabbing your team mate in the face.

For agathar

the combat is endlessly fun and the game is thouroughly spattered with funny visual details, voicelines, and general hilarity. one feature i absolutely adore and use all the time outside of duel servers is the shuffle mode which automatically randomly picks a class and weapons every time you respawn, making the game feel fresher and more varied in gameplay style. buy it, it's great for casuals or tryhards, and will not disappoint anyone looking for an actually well-made multiplayer slasher.

Very fun game and great FPS (First-Person Slasher). I love when I cut head and throw firebomb at my feet

played this with my cousin and he started saying the n-word
game is not good i wish i didn't drop like 30 dollars for this when the original is so good still

Don't have much to say about this game except good fun

Loved screaming through this on gamepass. Super fun 1st person death by medieval war simulator.

Chaos, heroics, goofiness, and skill, all churning together at a staggering scale, make Chivalry II a sight to behold. One moment, a hoard of players crest a hill striking terror into those left standing. In another, you are running around bonking people from behind in the head with a hammer. You can go from making a final, desperate push to take a point at the last second to stealing pigs and presents as your next objective. It refuses to be taken seriously, yet cannot help but be epic. It rewards skillful play, but leaves an abundance of room to hardly interact with its systems at all. But overall, it is true-blooded chaos that should be experienced by anyone with a remote interest in it.

Really enjoyable the swinging feels really satysfying in this game

Medieval Warfare 2, con eso digo todo