Reviews from

in the past

"Hmph. My own lonely lodge."

Holy shit, what a crock of piss, a smelly dick. This is so much worse than what is already a flaccid mess. A plague upon the Devs' lineage forevermore!!!

What a fucking downgrade, the fighting is worse, the claymation looks worse, and it lacks variety for a fighter.

ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay may be a terrible fighting game to many and one of the worst fighting games on the SNES to some, but nostalgia hits hard with this one. I received this game as a gift for my birthday in 1995 and played it religiously. If I wasn't playing Mega Man X or Super Mario World (much better games I would like to add), I was button-mashing my way to victory in ClayFighter 2. I'm sure the game doesn't hold up today and would be a complete disaster to go back and revisit, so I'll let it sit in my memory as a fun time waster to a 6-year-old instead of plugging in my SNES and ruining one more thing from my childhood.

i feel like nobody's actually played this one for whatever reason. i wonder why.

Although probably not a good game, this became the de facto fighter in my neighborhood as a child, likely because the style was so unique and with wacky characters that were appealing to kids. Spoofing Terminator 2 is such a dumb, weird thing but we loved it and I love it still for that.

The title alone says everything. ClayFighter was never intended to be a serious fighting game, but rather an edgy joke that was getting popularity, so they rushed out a sequel which is just... bad.

Once again, I played with every fighter available, and every one of them is just bad. The franchise's icon, Frosty the snowman is my favorite in both games, but I had my "fun" with playing Nana (a sentient banana) and Blob (a brown blob) too.

I also hated the levels, because the characters are totally blending into it, and it is really hard to focus on them, when the background constantly confuses your brain.

Despite everything I just said, I get it why ClayFighter got famous. The MTV vibe and the whole brutally edgy atmosphere of it all can be appealing to many people, but sadly I am just not one of them.

Ah, this was the one where I threw my one and only controller in frustration, nearly breaking it. Hated my reaction, dug deep about it as a kid and never did it again. Valuable lesson, Interplay.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 7: Interplay Vol 2

Good lord this is an ugly as sin mess. The graphics are worse overall, most of the characters barely look like claymation anymore, the overall designs are boring and uninspired and the game still plays like an absolute trashfire. How the hell was this a series that Interplay liked to boast about owning. How. Its awful.