Reviews from

in the past

This game is the reason I'm a Marxist today. They could have at least let me keep the shit I bought when I had premium but no, they had to snatch it away. Just me and my puffle in an empty igloo.

The fact Kingdom Hearts is the Disney series with all the prestige and goodwill and Smash reps and not this is the final proof there is no god

Cornerstone of my childhood, the main reason why I fell in love with MMOs

Club Penguin was a rich, robust fictional universe which unveiled and placed a spotlight upon the dark realities of the economic flaws within the real world. The game’s financial philosophy was based upon enforcing a strict class divide amongst its players—the bourgeoisie, paid members, and the proletarian, free players. It was through this system that the game was able to so eloquently commentate on the injustices within our own reality, as the bourgeoisie penguins grotesquely flexed their clothing and accessories in the beaks of those who were cold, naked, and covered in pizza grease.

Much like the real world, the game did everything it could to keep the proletarian penguin from ever gaining the riches of their bourgeoisie counterparts, as no matter how many hours one would spend making pizzas or competing in surfing competitions, the player would still find they were unable to access the accessories and furniture which were easily afforded by the ruling class. In essence, this was the very genius of the game as it fought to unmask America itself as the cruel mistress it truly is, and even in death it leaves us to ponder this: We will always be the exploited class until we can rise-up together, lifting our fins in solidarity, and pelting the wealthy with our snowballs. Eat the rich.

i was kinda cracked at the snow tubing game

This game was a rollercoaster of societal acceptance. If you were loved enough as a child to have your parents buy you a membership, man were you COOL. Access to all the in store swag, flexing on the peasants who could only alter their penguin's color and wear the free handouts, unique puffles, turning your igloo in a house from MTV Cribs. BUT if that membership ever expired, you fell off the societal podium into rock bottom. Other members didn't want to be seen with you, friends wouldn't talk to you, your own puffles didn't even love you. Kids who played this were a different breed. Those were the days...

This game is pure nostalgia, they had so many classic game modes. The food making, Sensei's dojo, the surfing mode and so on.

I'm not even kidding when I say that from ages 6 to 10, Club Penguin was a fucking lifestyle. I took days off school to level up on Card Jitsu, we had class-wide discussions on the debut of the fucking orange puffle. I went on those stupid tracker sites to see when Billy Bob of the Penguin Band was online. In one of my most most evil childhood moments, I stole the code off a puffle plushie my friend got for his birthday to use on my account, because I guess cart surfing for those same coins just didn't cut it. I didn't fuck around with my love for Club Penguin, and may it rest in peace.

Man, nostalgia makes this so hard to objectively rate for people. I remember telling my friends to "meet me on Club Penguin after school", giving them a specific time and location so we could find each other. I remember spending ages on the pizza minigame, sledding, doing the PSA/EPF missions, the colour-your-adventure books upstairs in the Ski Lodge, ice fishing...

Then again, when I really think about it, there wasn't much... substance there? Every time I tried to go back to it as a teenager or an adult I couldn't find anything fun to do anymore. It was definitely one of those childhood "you had to be there" kind of games.

The Card-Jitsu game still fucks, though. I'd absolutely play that again.

It's terrible that Club Penguin didn't have the chance to be caught by a nostalgia wave, and be remembered by thousands of people, and become relevant again.
We got a funeral I guess

this game is fine but its kinda fucked up if you didnt spend $5 your penguin would forever be naked and ugly while every other penguin would shit on you wtf

Can't say n word or f word or c word so -1 stars

While it was fun at the time, the fact that I had to spend money on this game to get the best things, ruined my experience with the game at the time.

i had fun playing this game as a kid. it boiled down to running in circles and doing simple mini games. fun for what it was


A gameplay se consistia em um MMO (como Habbo hotel, VR chat e etc...) só que focado exclusivamente para um foco infantil e como antigamente a internet era por modo de falar mais primitiva o jogo se tornou tão famoso que em um certo tempo a Disney comprou o game.

Jogava MUITO em 2012-2015 mas se eu não me engano em 2015 pra frente foi só evento da Disney que sinceramente não tinha nada a ver com o jogo em si, Enquanto escrevi isso me lembrei do evento da operação apagão que era INCRIVEL mas na época eu não era assinante e quando criança queria muito o álbum de cartas mas infelizmente não se tornou realidade por enquanto. 7/10

(Nota simbólica). É o jogo da minha vida. Nada foi mais construtivo e seguro na internet durante os meus anos de desenvolvimento. Era tudo que eu tinha e tudo que eu mais amava no mundo... Também é motivo de meu desprezo velado à marca Disney e seus produtos.

Hope my old club penguin besties are doing well 💔 xD

i miss this like one would a lover

"Juntos podemos construir uma ilha, criar uma comunidade, mudar o mundo... e até virar um icebergue. Pinguinando"