Reviews from

in the past

1 Credit Clear on Normal - 56,782,505 Points

A charming, simple, and chaotic shmup where you play as a cute little dragon! The scoring system is ludicrous with how easy it is to cheese, 1-ups are plentiful, and there';s so much going on at once that its easy to lose track of where you are VS enemy fire.

However, this game's soundtrack absolutely whips and gets carried with immense charm. Also its short and easy to do a single credit clear! Very nice!

Hitbox is 1991 large, and you can't tell collectibles from bullets half the time... but it doesn't even matter, really. The game just showers you with extends, content to let you enjoy its cute visuals, fun power-ups, and buttery-smooth controls without torturing you. Shocking for a shmup of this era. If you're experienced at all in the genre, you can beat it in a couple playthroughs and get on with your life, instead of spending hundreds of hours routing and tearing your hair out for a 1CC.

Lovely little game.

A relaxing and forgiving cute 'em up with vibrant colors that is a fun playthrough. The game is quite generous with powerups and fruit, sometimes to the point of excess, making the screen a bit busy at times, but otherwise I have no complaints.

Coryoon is one of those games I knew I had to try just from the cover alone and it was a pleasing experience all around. Though it does have some issues I'll go over.

This game lets you play as a cute little dragon. Well he may be little but hit hitbox is bigger then some other ships ive seen in the genre. You'll go through 8 stages having to fight many enemies and bosses along the way. The game has a lot of variety with enemies and environments. Though sadly every boss area has the same look throughout the whole game.

The game be pretty fun with it's nice speed if a little bit slow at times and it can be a comfy experience. This game is really easy for anyone to just go through. Sure you may die to the bosses but you get lives so easily in this game it makes it pretty much hard to even game over. You also can just sustain from dying if you have a powerup on you.

There's also these powerups in the form of a heart, clover, spade, and diamond. I mostly used the heart because I really like the extra protection against projectiles. I'm still not sure what the clover and spade do though, if anyone knows I'd like to know what they did.

If there is one huge gripe with this game I have is the flickering. Maybe I just had poor emulation but there are times I don't even see what killed me at first because of this problem. I remember it the most on the 7th stage's main boss. It thankfully doesn't happen most of the time but I really don't like that it happens at all. Second I also just don't like games where it feels like they just let you take hits before dying because a lot of times it makes me think they can get away with some poor design at times or maybe I'm just bad. At least it's an easy game anyway so it's not the worst problem. This game also does the thing where playing on easy won't let you finish it. I'm just never going to play easy on these schmups ever again because of this. Seriously the game is barely much harder on normal why lock this?

In the end you got a nice cute little schmup that can be fun for anyone but veterans might be turned off at how easy the game is. Personally I think it was good yet flawed. I would like to see another game like this though that's probably never going to happen. Give it a try if you are ever curious!