Reviews from

in the past

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Danganronpa if it was good and about gambling. Also a perfect amount of undertale. I got a special ending and with some chars than added to it, definetly a cool experience and one I wont forget.

I've been thinking about this one a lot recently because it's absolutely one of the best "solo dev with a big idea they can't fully execute" experiences I've had.

A Poker RPG held up by a fun, anime-esque story. Death games and particularly Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor are the obvious go-tos here. There are enough twists on the basic formula to keep things interesting and the playtime doesn't overstay its welcome. The sprites and music are simple but enjoyable. I liked all the characters!

The one major drawback is a lot of the abilities of the NPCs during the poker games, while clever, are simply the kind that an AI can't really utilise properly at this level, stuff like finding out hidden information and altering behaviour particularly. It's the only real blemish on an otherwise neat little hidden gem.

Also, one of the stupidest (complimentary) twist endings I've ever experienced. Actually, two twists, one of which takes a lot of guts to include and I'm incredibly proud it followed through.

bellissima idea, non so se è una ignoranza mia ma un rpg così funzionale che ruota attorno al poker non mi era ancora capitata. Oltre a questo devo dire che sia nei design che in tutto il gameplay è stata fatta una ottima costruzione, ho apprezzato finire il gioco confrontandomi con il gameplay di un pro player di poker che consiglia come certi metodi per cheatare siano proprio la base

P.S.: non ti diverte giocare a carte? non ci perdere tempo manco lontanamente, è ovvio che se non hai una mezza tendenza al poker non ha alcun senso giocarci