Reviews from

in the past

it is very short and a mess in its structure sometimes but very interesting and can be kind of deep, too! the dialogue is very well-written and it reminded me of hideaki anno's shiki-jitsu -- the conflict between two different personalities dialoguing, without compatibility but still comfort, until they find each other and, even with their quirks (that, by the way, i really love how a character is written with lower case and another normal, showing a lot about their personalities) keeping a relantioship. there's a whole dreamy sequence about understanding yourself and trying to be sane in a world that is ending everyday it goes on (and for the fault of the system, not yours. but you still are trying to change, you know that maybe you can't, but what it costs try to be a little better for you and the others around you?). also i love the keybord typing sounds in the dialogues!! reminds me of the silver case!! it is really cool and its like, 30 minutes of game? and its free!! you should check it out.

i appreciate its honesty and what the writer was saying, but it felt like an unedited diary entry a bit. perhaps that was the point. i liked my hour with it

Love the atmosphere of the opening scenes. There's a wonderful earnestness to the character interactions, the unspoken pain of the protagonist mixing with the quiet domesticity of an abandoned world as they navigate an almost embarrassingly plain loneliness. The sound design and washed out photo backgrounds are charming and do a lot of the heavy lifting to flesh out characters who only have maybe 10-20 lines of dialogue.

The second half tries to wrap this loneliness into an overarching thesis on capitalism and the isolating, demoralizing effect of living under it, which is just way too broad and didactic to work in a 20m RPG maker game. It's not inaccurate, but there's nowhere to go from there (quiet literally in the game, where you end on a floating platform with a fishing line that will never get a bite). It maybe works on a formal level, but it's a disappointing and grim conclusion to an affecting start.

Maybe we can be like the roots, replenishing the earth, feeding life, whispering on the wind to each other.

@rubenmg, my friend Sagi and I talked about this game in-depth on this podcast (it's in Spanish though):

Juegazo. En sólo un rato y con pocos recursos expresa muchísimo.