Reviews from

in the past

Destiny 2 is pretty sound mechanicaly, and some of the designs are fantastic. Overall, the fidelity is probably the best thing this game has going for it. But on the side of enemy design, progression systems, comprehensive lore, memorable characters or any sort of interest in it's own story and universe - Destiny 2 is a complete let-down. Pretty fun with friends though

A game that is both hard to pick up and put back down. The story rotates in degrees of interest. Most seasonal stories are pretty lackluster. RIP Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken campaigns.

"this... is my destiny...2..."

:( johnny sins told me to uninstall destiny 2

and get some bitches

God, where do I fucking begin with this shit?
Gameplay Rating: 8/10
The gunplay reminiscent of Halo is ever-alive in this game, and by god is it fucking fantastic. The gunplay in this game is the heart and soul of the game and I guarantee it is almost the sole reason Bungie has managed to keep this game afloat for as long as they have.
The raid and dungeon mechanics is where things begin to get a little iffy. They range from "make a line every 30 seconds, idiots" to "ok if you have stripper dragon on your right then tree is antumbra, my middle symbol is fish doing a backflip" (ACTUAL, LEGITIMATE CALLOUT YOU CAN MAKE IN GAME). None of the raids I'd say are bad, they're all actually well designed. Some people would argue Garden of Salvation is badly designed, but when most people doing it for the first time are doing it as a challenge run to get a certain weapon, yeah no shit you're going to struggle with it.
The dungeons are where things get a little more complicated. The dungeons are designed around 1-3 people, meaning it needs to be able to be solo'd, but not entirely trivialized for 3 people. Normally this equates to only one person needs to be able to do the mechanics while the enemies are enough for a fireteam of 3; but then there's the issue of Bungie deciding the make the health pools of the boss exorbitantly large as of late, which makes them a pain in the ass to three-man, let alone solo.
The expansions (or at least the ones they haven't removed from the game) all vary in quality in terms of their campaign.
Shadowkeep: this shit BLOWS
Beyond Light on content: It's better and gives you a new subclass.
Witch Queen: Actually really fucking good. The best expansion this game has gotten since Forsaken.
Lightfall: i think i would honestly rather play shadowkeep 5 times in a row than do this fucking campaign again
And while I'm at it, I might as well comment on the New Player Experience; it's shit. The New Player Experience is just listening to this Fortnite skin reject blabber on about something. It is a huge nothingburger and Shaw Han needs to get nuked from orbit.
Story Rating: 4/10
Destiny's story is so fucking Hit and Miss.
On one hand, you'll have fantastic lorebooks, some of the best pieces of fiction I've had the pleasure of reading. The Books of Sorrow and Unveiling, all written by Seth Dickinson, are fucking spectacular reads; even if you're not a Destiny fan, I'm pretty sure you can enjoy them.
And on the other we have fucking Nimbus in Lightfall's campaign. They are the fucking epitome of "Marvel" humor. Nonstop fucking quips and the fact their voice is vocoded to every key on a piano makes them the only character to have ever, EVER, made me turn the volume off for a game. I don't know what the fuck Bungie was thinking adding this asshole into the game.
What's worse is that, while yes, they are non-binary; the reason people despise Nimbus is not because of that, but rather because YOU MADE THEM A BAD FUCKING CHARACTER. STOP USING A CHARACTER'S IDENTITY AS A SHIELD, YOU MAKE EVERY OTHER LGBT REP LOOK BAD. WAKE UP, BUNGIE.

Colorblind Rating: F
I think what has made me the most angry about this game is the fact that they have the fucking audacity to claim they're doing something for people like me, but they FUCKING DON'T. All I am to them is just a neat little fucking Accessibility tag to them while they think "ooohoo make the radar pink" is some sort of """colorblind feature""" (IN A FUCKING MONOCHROMATIC RADAR THAT'S NOT GOING TO AFFECT ANYTHING). While I'm stuck figuring out whether or not a shield is Arc (blue) or Void (purple), the fucking HEAD OF ACCESSIBILITY IS POSTING ABOUT HOW "ZEN" SHE IS OR WHATEVER. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB. The most recent thing they've done for "me" is removing the unique shields every enemy had, something that gave a lot of fucking identity to every enemy faction, and replacing it with A FUCKING SHIELD TEXTURE THAT MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE BECAUSE THE TEXTURE KEEPS WARPING UNLIKE THE PREVIOUS SHIELDS WHICH WERE AT LEAST MORE STATIC! (Not to mention, you now can't tell which shield belongs to which faction, which can be a fucking pain because when you saw, say, a Vex shield on a Minotaur, you could safely assume it would be Void, but when you're now fighting them from a distance, fuck you, I guess?????)
Bungie seems to think the colorblind are easy to pander to. Just an easy way to fetch some brownie points.

I can't believe I've spent over 2000 hours on this shitass game. Fuck.

Never fall in love with a Live Service game. They'll give you highest highs, and then they'll take them away and tell you it's still just as good.

You either are fully locked into this game or hate this game and refuse to play it. I unfortunately played for so long I cannot escape.

im gonna be real and say i only played this because i thought the robot people were hot as fuck

I'm probably late to the party, starting to play this game in 2023, but it's pretty fun if you're into looting and such. PvE can be a blast, and PvP is alright when you're in a balanced match, but most of the time it's a one-sided massacre, even if you're skilled enough.

There's a ton of story for those who enjoy it, but personally, I couldn't care less. All I want to do is shoot shit and this game delivers that experience just fine. Unfortunately, I haven't purchased any expansions, so I can't give a complete review of the entire game. I wish I could buy it without the fear of regretting spending an exorbitant amount of money (in my country's currency) on expansions for a game that could suddenly disappear in the near future.

This shit aside, the game is enjoyable, with fun gameplay, and you don't need to spend money on most things apart from expansions and all that Battle Pass crap.

gacha game for people with money

i remember seeing the trailer for this game for the first time while watching a football game being like HHHHHHOOOOOOLLLLYYYY SHHHHHHIIITTEEE!!!! i preordered it and got a dumbass poster and a Cayed figure that immediately broke after it fell off my shelf. but i didn't care i played this game even longer than the first game and got addicted to it. i preordered all of the expansions and everything,

Until forsaken came out

that's when it hit me. that's when i opened my eyes and realized what i was doing, what i had become. i was just another soulless consumer pumping in hundreds of hours in a game that well wasnt worth my time, i was just another sucker that got bated and hooked by the MMO RPG gameplay loop that did nothing but waste my time and affect my health. i backed away and vowed to myself to never play another MMO RPG again. after that i found my love for retro games. i was actually experiencing art and expanding my horizon in ways i never thought i could. this game taught me what awful story telling and gameplay was and what an addicting gameplay loop looks like. and you bet your ass i'm never coming back

I tried playing this for one of my friends and um... yeah.

I love this game with everything I have. I will always be there no matter what. Some of my best memories happened in this game. It has had its fair share of ups and downs but Bungie has made something special here. Unparalleled gun feel, a fascinating world, and genuinely a lot of content for what you pay. 0/10 I hate it.

Pretty fun gameplay. That's where my praise ends. The devs legit removed the main story of the game. Like ????? tf? It also has barely any tutorial despite its gazillion different systems!

1/14/23 - 777 hours
This game really never ends.
I love the gameplay loop, and I love the lore, and I really do think Destiny's going in a much better direction than it has before, but god damn it's not going fast enough. I really want to be able to consistently play this, but it's a timesink and requires so much time and energy and so much god damn time.
and for so little, too. Each season has the same grinds and gameplay, followed by a seasonal event that we see every fucking year, and then a new exapansion where it keeps happening. There really needs to be change in how quests are, and how story missions are played. I can't believe it hasn't happened yet.

Again, though, this game is fucking fun too. I love the gunplay, and the mechanics, and just mindlessly playing and focusing up. It's awesome for that!
The stories have been getting continually better, same with the characters!
I just feel so weird about this game.
I can't recommend it to anyone because it requires so much and kinda delivers so little, imo.
But here i am, with over 700 hours. And it's only gonna go up.

the shooting is beautiful but everything else feels like it was made by an algorithm

I have too much time on this game

The video game equivalent of contracting brain worms.

Worst game ever, can't stop playing.
Worst game ever, can't stop paying.
Worst game ever, can't stop the pain.

This game removes paid content.

I don't feel right reviewing it with stars as i enjoyed the little I played but don't feel compelled to continue, really. I see what's fun about it, but even with dipping my toes in, I feel like there's a big beast waiting across the horizon for the rest of the game and nothing really is sinking it's hooks in me aesthetically or narratively to press on into more of the game proper. I have other games to occupy me, I'll just forevermore be a destinyless gamer

i hate this game, i've played this game for over 5000 hours at this point, it's one of the best games i've ever played

Biggest waste of time in my life. Loved how Bungie removed content the players previously paid for.

"breaking your chains" from activision did worked out for you huh bungie?

this game is probably really good but my friends made me play a lategame dungeon that gave me a panic attack and I never want to see it again

“And for centuries, Humanity thrived. Until it didn’t.” - an actual line of dialogue that a writer was paid to create, which was subsequently approved and added to a AAA game.

This game just disgusts me. I hate it with a fervent passion, and I barely even played it, experiencing all of it first-hand through my friend who was there every step of the way of this disaster of a lifecycle, and the fall of one of the greatest developers ever. The Bungie we have now isn’t even a husk of what was, it’s not even a company anymore, it’s just a wing of Activision, and remains as such even with their return to independence.

Its fun if you give it all your money. Because over 50% of the game is locked behind a paywall. Interesting concept, bad execution. It would be cool if they made a 3rd game without micro transactions.