Reviews from

in the past

"I'm coming over you better not be a german fae twirling pirouettes in sappy fashion"
My mischievous ass:

I don't like this as much as Bubble Symphony or The Fairyland Story, but I still find this to be a good example of a Taito single-screen platformer.

mais um clássico da Taito, porém são tantas fases que uma hora você só cansa de jogar
só tive paciência de zerar duas vezes
é um ótimo jogo e bastante divertido, mas precisa de cabeça pra ficar ouvindo a música em looping lol

played on ps2

Um Fairyland Story mais direto ao ponto - menos puzles, menos níveis, mais ação. Bacaninha e bonito.

I mean, it’s Taito, so that counts for something. Snappy visuals and nice physics when you hurl the enemies across the screen, but otherwise this is a fairly basic single screen platformer.

It amalgamates several puzzle platformers to create its own thing and the loop works pretty decently. The levels are varied enough to keep your attention as you go around bonking and tossing enemies about.