Reviews from

in the past

With hand-crafted maps I would probably have a lot more positive things to say about the game, but with the randomly generated maps they all lack character as a setting and are therefore harder than you might expect to memorize.

The way I've described this to friends is that everything feels 15% off. The scale of the maps feels distorted in a different way from room to room, the prep time feels 15% too short and the round time feels 15% too long. These are little things that can easily change (the game's still in early access), but I think the main thing souring the game at this point ties into the prep time complaint - players at this point just don't know how to coordinate with the limited time they have. The fact that you've got to stock up and share materials at the beginning of every round suggests that you're meant to come up with these careful strategies, but you're not given a lot of time to coordinate with 5 internet strangers what the plan is before the action happens. Perhaps this will get better as the game approaches a full release and people begin to develop a more coherent meta, but I've played a lot of Counter-Strike, man, I know that even if you're all on the same page it takes like 15 seconds minimum so that everyone knows to rush A Long.

I think the way materials are shared/stolen is pretty cool and something I wish more games would do, but I think a little more work needs to be done to make sure all the parts fit together nicely. If they stick with the randomly generated maps I think that'll continue to be a downside, so I hope they're not married to that decision going forward, because that - to me - isn't what makes this game unique.

All things considered, I'm interested in where this goes. I think it is, in a word, "neat", but I'm probably not going to revisit it until it's either released or about to be - that way I can gauge what direction this game goes in the end. We'll see if it gets a popularity spike as that date approaches, too, since I'd argue it deserves one. I shit on the randomly generated maps but I think the game has an interesting visual identity and could really develop into something special with the right changes.

It's basically the only competition siege has and it's awesome. The theme, the gunplay, the strategy involved, its all there. But no players, devs REFUSE to market this game and get some people playing which is sad.

Easily the most fun and creative tactical FPS I've played in recent years. Really makes me sad this game couldn't retain a solid amount of players. The game sits perfectly in the space between "I need to coordinate with my team like I'm competing for money." and "Let's just fuck around and send five guys and three grenades through the same door." The limited resources between rounds adds another layer to the game, unique from the economy system of games like Counter-Strike and VALORANT. Perhaps one day this game will get the love it deserves.

once optimization improves, it'll be amazing

vai tomar no cu quem me fez comprar isso

draw the family guy on the map :)

A great underrated gem. Sadly the player base is about 50 ppl on discord organizing games. Hopefully the devs do something to put this game on the board

This game is AWESOME, but you know how this game would've more awesome? IF THE DEVS START FOCUSING ON MARKETING AND NOT ONLY UPDATING A DEAD GAME. Out of that, it's great, really fun, but 0 players and only american servers.

Its a small player base for sure but i dont think ive ever had a problem finding a game, map selection is a bit sparse though. probably the only tactical shooter ive really enjoyed.

Great idea, but the game is indeed a bit confusing sometimes, and if that's improved, it will be waay better