Reviews from

in the past

I hope Fairune 3 will play like Virtual Hydlide.

Fairune 2 is a sequel that only serves as an upgrade to its predecessor where it doesn't try to switch things around but only try to be more of what we previously had, on paper this sounds great but at the end of the day it only ended up adding more backtracking and confusing cryptic puzzles which got me really bored halfway through the game. My favorite part of Fairune 1 was the fact that it was extremely short, you can beat it in under two hours on your first playthrough, but Fairune 2 took me 6 god damn hours to finish, the simple gameplay of Fairune is fine for 2 hours but not 6!

I don't have much else to say about this game other than I honestly prefer the original, it's not any better gameplay wise it's just a simpler game and more fun to go through, the backtracking of Fairune 2 just really killed it for me.

It's a little too cryptic in places, but a great sequel that expands on the original in basically every way.

Fairune 2, y hasta cierto punto la franquicia entera, traen consigo la sublimación del concepto de aventura que ya trajo Zelda en su dia, solo que comprimido en partes muy pequeñas. (extremadamente pequeñas en el caso de origins)

Si bien es cierto que no es tremendamente transgresor, las ideas que trae a la palestra la ultima entrega y como juega con sus propios conceptos hacen que la experiencia haya sido muy buena.

Dicho de otro modo que es un zelda muy majo y que gira algun que otro concepto

Way more interesting puzzles than the first game while retaining its snappiness and charm. Might drag on a bit depending on how long you're stumped on some of the puzzles.