Reviews from

in the past

A pretty dull follow-up to Far Cry 5. I got to the last mission or so and realized I was going to have to grind to continue and this game is just not worth the time and effort.

Take the dumb fun of far cry five to its absolute extreme as long as you ignore the story this is an insane shooter with extremally fun mechanics

one of the few times ill review a game i havent beaten but my god i got this for free from ps+ and i still feel ripped off this is just horrible

É um jogo bonito, tem varias coisas para fazer no mapa e varias armas diferentes, um mapa bem expandido.
Mas a historia é bem fraquinha (ao menos na MINHA opinião de jogador).
O coop é incrivel, pra mim foi a graça total do jogo.
eu não jogaria sozinho.

Really a horrible experience for myself and a friend in coop. Just unbelievably bland and annoying, with a myriad of bugs and glitches that reduced our enjoyment. Systems designed to make you suffer through repetitive combat and missions to make small amounts of progress. The story is short and hollow, with most of your time being spent trekking from place to place or grinding out resources.

Plusy: śliczna grafika, strzela się fajnie, dobry soundtrack, prosta acz przyjemna fabuła
Minusy: słaby crafting, beznadziejny system broni, słabe starcie z siostrami, siostry jako villain, mikropłatności na każdym kroku

We met again and it sucked

isso aqui bem poderia ser uma dlc não?.. Tipo não muda praticamente nada do 5 além de ter duas vilões péssimas ne, historia esquecível etc, para mim é o pior far cry de todos

é uma dlc do 5 e a ubisoft e sua tara d te fazer farmar o jogo pra poder avançar toma no cu

They tried to do a Far Cry RPG. It's not too bad but I only like this game because he ends the Joseph story

Nothing special about this game

First FPS game to finish! It's quite a nice introduction for me to shooter games.

Surprised that I actually enjoyed this considering I hated the story In Far Cry 5.


Wer mit Far Cry 5 viel Spaß hatte, wird New Dawn durchaus zu schätzen wissen. Das gewohnt gute Gunplay und die traditionelle offene Welt funktionieren für das Chaos auf den Straßen von Hope County auch dieses Mal. Auch die ganzen Querverweise auf Teil 5 bzw. Easter Eggs zu anderen Ubisoft-Spielen sind gut platziert und animieren zum Weiterspielen. Das war es dann aber auch schon.

Nach weniger als einem Jahr gleich den nächsten Ableger hinterher zu pfeffern, hat eben auch seine Nachteile. Besonders die künstliche "Intelligenz" und die flachen Charaktere haben mir den Spielspaß schnell verhagelt. Der Vorwurf des Recyclings kommt nicht von ungefähr, auch wenn Ubisoft an einigen Ecken und Kanten gefeilt hat. Die farbenfrohe und pink angemalte Postapokalypse dieses Sequels muss sich in wenigen Monaten mit RAGE 2 messen, welches in etwa das gleiche Setting bietet. Schauen wir mal, wie sich New Dawn dann in der Retrospektive hält. Gebraucht hätte es dieses Spin-Off in meinen Augen jedenfalls nicht, denn den Sequel-Charme wie damals bei Primal erreicht New Dawn bei Weitem nicht.

funniest part of this game is when you show up to the main game map and are kicking the antagonists asses and they show up and go "hey stop making us look like punk asses" while they threaten to kill a kid which is the most punk ass shit you can do

i will say that this pretty pointless when far cry 6 pretends this never happens.

As close as a Far Cry game has ever come to being good.

Probably the most forgettable far-cry game. Villains are alright but it suffers the same faults as far cry 5 as it is pretty much a DLC to it.

Maaan, I got this game for free and it still felt like a waste.
Not sure what to even say of it, it's Ubi, it's Farcry. Corpo game design, nothing fun, nothing new, nothing interesting.
And like, why the fuck is the plan of the prison break mission to litterally just turn yourself in, and HOPE that you can get out somehow. Like what the fuck.

Far Cry New Dawn (2019): Estafa. No solo reciclan Far Cry 5, sino que lo rompen metiendo armas que en nivel 3 son inútiles, y en el 4 matan de un tiro. Una IA ridícula, bugs absurdos, sigilo imposible, micropagos invasivos y una historia y personajes de vergüenza ajena (3,15)

Sisters are the worst villains in the franchise and the game is overly grindy (hard i guess) to make u try to spend real money. Final fight took 20 minutes of unloading clips into the twins heads.

Esse jogo por ser meio que um DLC StandAlone do 5, é um jogo menor e mais contido. Sendo mais prazeroso de jogar do que o Far Cry 5&6. 21hrs de jogo e fiz 80% dele. Acho que é um tamanho adequado em comparação ao 5&6 que são enormes e tendem a ficar enjoativos de se jogar.

Divertido como todos os Far cry que joguei..além do mais o New Dawn é uma extensão do FC5 quer pra mim foi o melhor da quesito vilão o new dawn foi só pra encher linguiça mesmo com as gêmeas sem sal creio que a intenção do jogo foi mesmo da uma finalização para o vilão (Joseph seed FC5) que tbm considero o melhor da franquia kk no quesito ambientação o new dawn ficou lindão ...resumindo poderia ser uma dlc do FC5 e com isso leva uma nota 7,5

Hope county is amazing in this game, it is so fun to explore it after the nukes and it becomes such an incredibly different experience. The biggest problem is the gameplay, Far cry just shouldn't be an RPG. It is so satisfying how squishy the player and the enemies are in the older games, while in this one they take such an incredibly long time to kill.