Reviews from

in the past

Hated Far Cry 5 but love Montana and also wish there were 500% more neon?

i think i laughed the hardest i have in a good few years getting up to tomfoolery in this game with a good friend of mine
apart from that very forgettable

This game was very bland, and the bullet sponge boss encounters at the end of the really were some of the worst I've encountered in games in a long time. Once in the fight it was clear I needed a 'legendary' weapon, which I didn't have, but there didn't seem to be an easy way to back out. I ended up spending twenty minutes running from ammo station to ammo station, firing a few shots at the bosses in between. This game really just did nothing for me.

Since its debut in 2004, the Far Cry series has hopped all around the globe and time itself from the Nepal-inspired Kryat to the prehistoric Stone Ages. However, Far Cry New Dawn marks the first time the franchise has returned to a location. Far Cry 5’s Montana is back but has been perverted by nuclear weaponry and a whole lot of colorful flowers. Although this fresh coat of pink paint is only on the surface as Far Cry New Dawn is an overly safe, repetitive entry that follows too closely to its numerous predecessors.

Read the full review here:

very boring and skippable story. but the usual fun farcry gameplay

This is Far Cry 5's edgy little brother.
The game's way more fun that the previous entry, though it very much lacks depth and character development.

eh, at least it was fun in co op

Eh. Continues the great world design by virtue of the same map, and the gameplay... well it's Far Cry, come on you know what to expect. The narrative continues to not do anything with the ideas it has, preferring to focus on (flips through script) radioactive super fruit. Gives a little bit of closure to 5's weird ass endings, but otherwise pretty forgettable.

Far Cry New Dawn, um action-shooter pós Far Cry 5 da Ubisoft, o FC mais desinteressante vendido a parte de seu antecessor, quando mais se parece com uma DLC feita as preces em prol do lucro.

- Ambientação superior ao seu antecessor, campos floridos e cheios de cores vivas, construções submersas em vegetações, mas não passa disso.
- Gun-Fight divertida.

- Vilãs completamente esquecíveis e desinteressantes.
- Repetitivo ao EXTREMO, a certo ponto causa enjoo, as ações são sempre as mesas seguidas de uma história que não te prende e nem te marca.
- Fórmula ultrapassada, que ainda é continuada pela Ubisoft, no Far Cry 6, infelizmente.
- Missões principais que parecem secundárias, nada nesse jogo te prende a continuar em frente.
- É trago de volta o vilão de Far Cry 5 pra deixar as coisas um pouco melhores, o que foi uma falha, o jogo continua medíocre, e isso só comprova em como é uma DLC retirada do Far Cry 5 pra ser vendido a parte.

Plataforma: PC

Consideração final:
Repetitivo, desinteressante, medíocre, e relativamente divertido até certo ponto, onde você ainda não fez a mesma atividade a décima vez.

Recomendação: Não jogue.

[ Story: 3/10 | Gameplay: 8/10 | OST: 6/10 ]

The addition of expeditions was a really neat idea even if it's execution could've been a bit better. The plot is worthless and the villains are even worthlesser.

ok story, mediocre open world, not fun game

A decent stand alone expansion to Far Cry 5. I am convinced that Jospeh Seed's assassin ally is the main character from the last game. 100% sure of it

its .5 higher because i just like the aesthetic a little more. everything else from the far cry 5 review applies here

English/German below

It went pretty fast. After 11 hours and 635 gamerscore, we finished the story.

I liked the gamplay changes and the graphics were pretty nice at times. The story is a bit flat, but all the references to the main game are very nice.

Still have a few things to do to get one or the other achievement (unfortunately again no cross progression for both co-op players)

All in all, it's a fun co-op action.

3/5 graffiti.


Ging ganz schön flott. Nach 11 Stunden und 635 Gamerscore haben wir die Story abgeschlossen.

Die Gamplay Änderungen gefielen mir und grafisch war das ganze teilweise ziemlich hübsch. Die Story etwas flach, aber die ganzen Verweise auf das Hauptspiel sehr nice.

Haben noch ein paar Sachen zu erledigen, um das ein oder andere Achievement zu holen (leider wieder keine Cross Progression beider Koopspieler).

Insgesamt aber eine spaßige Koop Action.

3/5 Graffiti.

The new weapons and nuclear setting was cool and all but the game was not that great. The antagonists were very underwhelming, alot of forgettable characters, story itself is whatever, and most of the missions are subpar. I dont care for much in this game.

Gameplay wise I had alot of fun with this game. Story wise on the other hand... honestly I would go into detail but I just dont really even wanna care anymore, i'll just say I really liked far cry 5s ending, and I hated this one personally.

Except the first tutorial there is no fun part abt this game.
This is one of the game i felt optimistic abt but its just so bad that i even regret spending the dollar and half i spent on it.

If i dropped this game in the beginning, my score would be 1 or 1.5 stars at max, because damn, starting is so bad because games tries to become GaaS, and grinding in the start is so annoying, but when times moves on you get kool kid guns, and game finally lets you play like a ninja so you can get your sweet stealth bonuses. That was the time i started having fun. BUT still grinding is annoying, story and characters are still dogshit, open world feels very dead, gameplay is still good (c'mon it is a FarCry game, it SHOULD be fun) but weapon crafting system is annoying (if you don't wanna grind for materials guess what - you spend irl money to get stupid game materials!), AI is just totally stupid and they can see you from kilometers away or they cant see you when you shot a guy in front of them, graphics are not bad but not the most groundbreaking graphics i've ever seen..... Yeah this game has lots of problems but in the end it is a FarCry game and if you search for something so braindead, so you don't have really work your brain when playing it, this is the game. Just don't try to do everything like me, it doesn't really feel like all the time i've spent was woth it.

One of my biggest problems with Far Cry is that it’s too big. Every Ubisoft open-world game has become so large that it’s boring to explore. I’d rather have a smaller area with more interesting things to do. No longer does a large open world impress people these days as it’s nothing new. These games just keep getting larger and larger, but what you do inside has not evolved much. Running around taking out the same outpost 50 times, collecting things, hunting animals, upgrading stuff – it’s just so trite that I just don’t care for it anymore, and Ubisoft is the worst offender out there.

New Dawn is a direct sequel to Far Cry 5 in which you play as a nobody who has come across Hope County in it’s isolated post-nuclear world of Montana on a train of survivors and get ambushed by the sisters Lou and Mickey. These are the antagonists of the game, and while they have a great personality and hit that Far Cry villain meter just right, their screen time is cut down to just a few scenes. The entire game is basically Far Cry 5, but more post-apocalyptic this time around. If you played that game nothing has changed here outside of a new ranking and looting system that is forced upon the player to even progress in the story. It’s something that drove me insane through the entire game and I always hit a progress wall because I had to stop and grind for material to unlock the next weapon bench level which then unlocked the next weapon level but to craft those weapons I had to grind for different material. I mean, Christ! Do you see what I mean?

The game is broken down into four different levels with the highest being an Elite rank. The enemies are ranked and are only immune to weapons of that rank as well. This is the stupidest system they could have done to try and make the game more interesting. I can use level two weapons on level three enemies but I will die and dump tons of ammo into them and I can’t carry enough even with my full ammo perks. The entire game can really only be played one way, to be honest. The main material to upgrade your main outpost, Prosperity, is ethanol. This is acquired by liberating outposts. Oh jeez, liberating outposts? I wonder where I’ve done that before. Once you liberate the outpost you get ethanol and some bonus if you don’t set off alarms or aren’t detected. I believe there are about a dozen outposts in the game, but the redundancy doesn’t end there. Once you liberate all the outposts you need to re-liberate them! Yeah, what?! This is to put that rank system into play and let you take it on with the next level of enemies. Then you get even more ethanol and the process repeats. You can’t even progress to chapter two without upgrading all the stations at least once which requires liberating all outposts. You can steal ethanol trucks, but it’s not enough to bother with.

Once you finally progress some you are at least using level two weapons and I stuck with this for most of the game. However, I hit a wall at the end of the game as I couldn’t finish a mission without elite weapons. To do this I had to re-liberate a few outposts, upgrade the station, then grind for materials to get at least one elite weapon. To do this I had to do expedition missions that are so boring and annoying especially without a real co-op partner to get circuit boards that are needed for most elite weapons. That wasn’t enough though! I needed to hunt the elite animal for its skin too! Just…the walls never ended and it was just one after another after another. In between these walls, there’s really nothing to do outside of collecting materials all over the place. That’s literally it. The game is a borefest outside of the mildly entertaining story mode as I did enjoy seeing the villains on the screen including Joseph Seed.

The game map is also just too damn big. It’s smaller than Far Cry 5, but everything is spread so far apart that driving is a must, but I never even bothered flying anywhere as you have to grind to unlock flying vehicles. I feel like all the work I did in Far Cry 5 was reset after playing this game. The entertaining parts of Far Cry 5 are absent like the Arcade mode and the stuntman levels. There are a few side missions here to acquire allies, but they are mostly uninteresting. After I got just enough stuff to finish the game I felt there was no point in continuing. The entire game is built around grinding to progress in the story, but once that’s done what’s the point of finding everything? You can unlock perks for stealth kills, and various other things that are mostly useless like faster cooldown on mounted weapons…really? What’s the point of that? The game relies way too much on this material system to build up everything without it ever meaning anything after the story is finished.

Overall, New Dawn is worse than Far Cry 5 but taking out all the fun and wrapping the game around a grinding material hunting fest and smacking you will progression walls constantly. The map is too large and empty, there aren’t really any modes or things to do outside of looting materials, and the only really entertaining parts of the game don’t get much screen time. This feels like the most useless Far Cry game to date as if it never existed anyone would miss it. Even if you did play Far Cry 5 there’s no reason to even play this outside of sheer boredom. The shooting is still solid like always, the visuals are amazing, but that means nothing when it’s inside of a boring empty world that forces the player to play the game a certain way then give them the finger when the game is completely over.

Played through with a fun and it was such a fun experience. The post apocalyptic world is so fun. The wild beasts are just great. The missions are so fun in Co-op. Even the expeditions are super fun. The weapons have so many fun variations. Admittedly, so much of it can be tedious and the side quests are forgettable. However, in Co-Op all these issues don't really matter.

Eu ADORO o Far Cry 5, mas esse aqui não deu pra tankar não. Talvez no futuro eu tente dar outra chance.

J'aime bien ce genre d'univers de base mais là..... J'ai pas accroché.

Full price FC 5 dlc with awful villains, the 2 stars are for Roger and la grosse patate

This one takes place after the 5th game in the series, the RPG mechanics of this game left a bad taste in my mouth. The fact that you had to level up to beat higher tier enemies in the game, was just a plain stupid idea to begin with and made the game instantly less fun and less challenging; this is basically the game telling you to go on a boring, monotonus grind to be able to have fun and fight some of the harder enemies, it was just plainly dumb. The safehouse or the Hub area in this game was nice, and I liked how you can upgrade it and go on expeditions to gain more materials for crafting and upgrading stuff. The antagonists were just bad, they were basically these 2 annoying ass, ratchet ass black bitches. THAT'S IT, what a great fucking idea for a pair of antagonists, I enjoyed blowing them up tho. Joseph makes a return in this game, his character development was really nice to see and very interesting and it was a nice send off for him in this game.

It's aight. Kinda fun sometimes, still a modern Far Cry game tho so it has its issues.

Para ser un DLC del 5 vendido por aparte, este Far Cry cuenta una buena trama, tiene sus partes geniales que logran mantenerte atento y no menospreciar el trabajo hecho para esto, está bastante bien logrado y siento que en cualquier aspecto, superó las expectativas y en demasía.