Reviews from

in the past

"What if we made ff7 but you get bombarded by the gacha offers at least 30 times each time you open it"

(Steam release): A toofpick changes everything

I’m not the most prolific mobile game, but I’ve seen my fair share of “free to play” games and even stuck with a few for over a year. This is the most scummy and cash-grabbing of the lot, and not even a desire to see the First Soldier storyline could encourage me to stomach its nonsense.

Square Enix Just Admit That Young Sephiroth Is A Riku Reskin And Move On

The core idea of an abridged FF7 compilation experience is great, but it's brought down by overwhelming gacha elements and boring combat that effectively plays itself. Total wasted potential.

2023 Ranked

No. I won't play this game anymore.

It may be disrespectful, but I hate this mobile spin-off. I don't want to see such a great game overwhelmed with terrible battle gameplay and gotcha elements everywhere.

I'll only wait 'till Rebirth. Let us meet on 2/29, 2024.
Update: I redownloaded it after the Rebirth released last month. Maybe I should give it a try again

Acho o universo de final fantasy muito foda uma pena que sou preguiçoso e não animo de ir atrás da ordem da história pra jogar/assistir (mesma coisa com fate)

Mas falando por alto o 7 e o 15 são os que me chamaram mais a atenção

not that good of a gacha but also its ff7 so it cancels out entirely for me i lvoe ff7

i might not have even minded this game so much if it just didn't run like absolute shit and crash every other time i would try to launch it. really wanted to stick it through for the first soldier and (potentially) before crisis stuff but god is it boring.

menu after menu blasting you with information, hoping you'll just eventually give up and stop thinking about the numbers and just cough up the dough to get rid of the hassle. drip feeding you the tiniest rewards for completing missions after showering you with goodies for logging in for the first time, hoping you'll try and chase that high by spending your hard earned money to get the ACTUAL good shit.

and can we talk about fucking stupid of a premise this is as a gacha? "experience these fully released video games, only shittier!" it'd make a bit more sense if this was a game where it was recapping EVERY final fantasy game so there's a bit more meat on the bone to it, or if the gacha rewards weren't ONLY weapons. yeah, no, it's not even like hoyoverse games where you have a chance of pulling a character or something, you just get weapons. how do you fuck up a gacha game so badly that you make the main selling point so fucking lame.

shit, going back to that final fantasy series gacha, id play the shit outta that. you're thinking im not rolling for "firion in a maid outfit?" that might be the closest a gacha will ever get to having me pay for something in them.

also fuck this game for not allowing you to log in if you have a VPN enabled lmao, don't play this garbage, not even as a joke.

Gráficos bonitos e uma história nova com personagens (no mínimo) carismáticos desperdiçados em mais um gacha game.

Man I hate gacha mobile games

As someone who has played OG, Crisis Core and Reunion, Remake, and seen Advent Children, I feel like I can always just go on my phone and doomscroll while simultaneously playing the game. The game is very pretty for a classic-style remake of the OG and compilation. But the abridged structure that they went with to do a classic remake of the series (especially the original) is a bit rough imo. The game is free, so I don't think that's a huge detriment, but this is definitely not what I'd recommend to a newcomer who wants to experience the compilation for the first time. If EC was an actual 1:1 classic remake of the OG, then sure. But the rest of the compilation was told in cutscenes, many of them with lots of voice acting and also cinematics only doable in the style of CG cutscenes or a full movie. I guess as an OG fan I'm fine with this game; it does look super pretty and has amazing OST rearrangements after all. But the gameplay is honestly just so meh. The battles (at least early on from what I've played) are very easy to beat by doing almost nothing and no real strategy.

I have yet to play the exclusive Sephiroth side story. I intend to play it one day but not soon probably. To be quite honest I think it's pretty jarring that one of the most iconic gaming villains of all time has his entire backstory revealed and told to us for the first time in a free-to-play game that was originally exclusive to mobile (until the PC release three months later). If you really want FFVII players and the fans to like Sephiroth more than they already do, this is not the way I would have done it. Back when the Yuffie DLC for Remake dropped, I remember seeing people brainstorm a DLC episode for Sephiroth for Remake (or some other entry in the trilogy). And I think that would've been much more effective, and would've done pretty good numbers considering who we're talking about here.

Yea this is pretty awful the cutscenes are really charming though. And the character portraits are really nice. I'd just youtube all the cutscenes.

Like every gacha game, I turned on auto-combat the moment it became available so I can't comment much on the gameplay.

The visuals are stunning and it's great at evoking the feel of the 3D models on the PS1 while still being an upgrade. It's also pretty faithful to the original story and the bonus chapters feel much more well integrated than the new content in FF7 Remake.

Like every gacha game, unfortunately, there's too many currencies and menus and systems that aren't intuitive and unless you're really going to commit yourself to it, it's far too easy to fall off the treadmill and never come back.

havent actually played this game but im only writing this to say: remember that funny brazilian new super mario bros wii rom hack vinesauce joel played? using this game to experience ff7 is like playing that to play mario

(also a game about young sephiroth wouldve went crazy on the psp but nooooooo we have to have a mobage with gacha monetization thats gonna EOS in 2 years)

É um Gacha de Final Fantasy VII bem ruinzin, os caras não aprendem.

A primeira impressão foi horrível.

Depois do tutorial e da introdução, tu é bombardeado com trocentas notificações, menus, sistemas e bombas de informação. "WIN A FREE 5 STAR WEAPON" "DRAW THIS EPIC THING" "DO THIS MISSION" "GET THIS 1000 BLUE CRYSTALS GIFT" "DON'T MISS OUT ON THE CHANGE TO GET THIS EXCLUSIVE ITEM OR YOU'LL LOSE IT FOREVER".

Beleza, relevei e continuei um pouco a história e missões solo pra upar armas.

A história é resumidíssima, mas também não sei o que o povo tava esperando pra um jogo grátis...

O combate na história é fraco. Fácil demais e tu pode automatizar praticamente todas as lutas. Em missões solo (fora da história) mais difíceis (acima do teu "nível de poder"), o combate até fica interessante. Ainda assim, acho que não segura as pontas e se pá que o Nier Reincarnation é melhor nesse quesito (sei lá, dropei esse aí também).

Então eu me deparei com o fato de que tu pode rolar o gacha com as moedas do jogo pra conseguir a skin de samurai do Cloud (q tá mto foda, inclusive) ATÉ QUINTA-FEIRA QUE VEM, mas pra isso tu precisa de MOEDA PRA CARALHO. Se não me engano, 27 mil se tu tiver azar (oq provavelmente vai acontecer). Uma quantia na fronteira entre o "acho que consigo farmar se jogar pra caralho" e o "hmm acho que vou gastar uns pila aqui".


Edit: para conseguir a roupa, vc precisa de 12 stamps. Cada stamp custa 3k blue crystals, então, se vc for azarado, vc precisa de 36k blue crystals, oq não é fácil de se conseguir.

Joguei mais um pouco até desbloquear o co-op. Tem potencial, mas não vale a pena o tempo perdido (praticamente perdi o dia de hoje).

Vou continuar jogando, mas provavelmente vou dropar depois que pegar a dita roupa.

EDIT (11/09): peguei a roupa depois de um grind que eu considero intenso (por não ser jogador de gacha). Contudo, vou aumentar a nota em uma estrela e meia porque... eu tenho me divertido com essa joça. O jogo é bem generoso com itens e pulls. Ele segura a mão nos cristais azuis mas, pelo que ouvi falar, tá generoso p CRL em comparação a outros gachas. Sem mencionar que o jogo tem um loop bem frenético em relação a progressão de personagem, oq o meu cérebro de macaco que se delícia com a endorfina recebida ao ver números brilhosos aumentando numa tela adora

Provavelmente vou enjoar daqui a algumas semanas, mas se estou me divertindo, então missão cumprida...

EDIT (23/10): Não abro o jogo faz quase uma semana. O drop rate de materiais diminuiu absurdamente e os eventos viraram uma grindaceira daquelas, apesar de que ainda, SUPOSTAMENTE, não esteja sendo um gacha tão predatório e pay 2 win. De toda forma, quando um jogo começa a parecer como trabalho, eu dropo e vou jogar outra coisa cujo intuito primário é DIVERTIR. Flw vlw

It being a gacha destroyed my motivation, sucks cuz it has all the content

Only played for the Sephiroth origin story, gave up half way through chapter 2 due to slow progress and not intending to buy into gacha elements. Turns out the story isn't even finished lol

If you've never played any of the slew of FF7 releases, this is a great abridged version to catch you up to speed. The gacha aspect really simplifies the gameplay, and not in a good way. It is unfortunately also the only way to experience the First SOLDIER FF7 prequel game outside of Japan.

this game fucking Sucks +1/2 a star for sephiroth… genuinely do not play this game unless you really truly care abt sephiroth backstory bc holy crap this is Butt I FUCKING HATE GACHA GAAAAAMESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um dos gachas com um dos piores menus q eu ja vi na vida.

Gacha game, but still has some value.

Um gacha safado com um grind pesado demais, até pra mim. Digo isso com muita tristeza, pois é um jogo muito bonito, com um modo história que dá aquele gostinho de um remaster do Final Fantasy 7 clássico. E ainda conta com uma falta de localização em PT-BR, que é um absurdo em 2023, tanto para um jogo mobile quanto para a própria Square Enix.

Não recomendo.

PS.: Esperei o lançamento na Steam pra jogar de verdade e mesmo assim não deu pra aguentar esse gameplay. Que decepção...

Le jeu est ok, mais l'histoire qu'il ajoute est très cool !
J'avais envie de m'impliquer sur le jeu jusqu'à que je me rende compte que le principe pour être haut level était de farm des runes pour extrêmement longtemps.
Cela dit je me suis bien amusé avant de savoir que je ne pourrai plus progresser sans farmer de manière horrible.