Reviews from

in the past

As someone who has enough toxic nostalgia and irony to have ordered something from the Garfield-themed restaurant in Toronto, believe me when I say that playing this for more than three minutes was too much even for me

garfield kart game of the year every year

En este videojuego de carreras tenemos a Garfield y sus amigos y no tan amigos como Nermal compitiendo en 16 alocados circuitos y 3 modos de juego (Carrera Libre, Campeonato y Contrarreloj), así como también power-ups que van desde lasañas, varitas mágicas hasta diamantes explosivos que podremos utilizar en ofensiva o defensiva para superar a nuestros rivales o al menos cortarles el paso. También cuenta con un pequeño componente de estrategia al elegir a nuestro personaje y las diferentes combinaciones de coches, sombreros y alerones; dando como resultado un considerable empujón al utilizar el dash, mayor control del kart o más velocidad. Cada circuito cuenta con una música de fondo muy variada y divertida.

an amazing experience. 2nd best new years gift of all time.

want the developers heads on spikes

I can't... I'm not strong enough...

No but seriously why is this game so bad! It's way too easy to accidentally drive between the item boxes, the items themselves don't make sense/don't convey what they do well enough, and it's so easy to get stuck in last place. Plus the whole thing's just coated in mobile game slime.

The game wouldn't start on my computer. I felt like I was being trolled. I refunded the game afterwards. I'm never falling for stupid memes ever again.

this mutts got wheels, but he wont stop t-BONEing me hah hah

this game is unbelievably awful that it's not even fun ironically

Forget Mario Kart, play this masterpiece instead.

Vroom vroom
Meow Meow

i bought this game because it was on sale for 54 cents and because funny lasaga cat hate monday

simulador de conducir borracho

It plays ok, but not the best choice of any kart racing game

Got this as a gift from a friend of mine. Only one star cuz I was playing it with them.

I have no words for this game.. Wow just wow, I can't believe I live in a world where this is real. This is the reason I wake up in the morning.

Greatest game to ever release

i thought it might be funny bad but this shit is basically unplayable