Reviews from

in the past

It tried but it still sucks

Esto se pone cada vez mejor

This has more gameplay than the original game did, voice acting, an actual story, and uses the monsters more but that doesn't actually mean it's a good game. It's easy to tell this was made as a clickbait game to get money from kids, the story isn't actually interesting, and this series is being rushed for profit. They're trying to pull a FNAF by making small games back to back to keep it relevant except FNAF at least had quality to it. There is nothing noteworthy from this series thus far and there really shouldn't be plans for a third game in less than three months after the original games launch. They're just clinging to the little popularity they got from a clickbait oriented game design that'll fade away in a week if they don't pump out new bad games.

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This game expands on the lore of the first game and includes much more content. I found myself immersed in the world of Garten of BanBan and was excited every time there was more to do. BanBan may be one of the greatest villains ever made and the Slow Seline segment was genuinely terrifying.

En su intento por ampliar y mejorar la primera entrega tanto mecánica como narrativamente acaba sintiéndose como una versión más larga, tediosa y poco inspirada.

Banban puede ser mucho más que esto.


I mean, it's an actual game this time, not a good one, but a game.

No one would know what this is if content creators didn't point a finger at it. It's genius in a way because the distinct lack of effort makes the gameplay and designs simple for the kiddos. I have two more games and hopefully they get funnier than this.

just as good as gobb 1 but i didnt like stinger flynn puzzle, i liked the rest tho and the voice actring was pretty ehh but its fun they have voices now

the fact they actually tried to make it good hurts me

To be fair this is a great improvement from the first, which sounds good but as the first was terrible - it doesn’t really mean much.. Also the voice acting sucks. sorry

ter mais coisas significa que é melhor? acho que é óbvio que esse jogo aqui é o maior cashgrab desse ano, mas me preocupa que as pessoas responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento do jogo parecem estar levando a SÉRIO.

te amo opila pai presente

AMAZING! I have absolutely no negatives about this game but my favourite part of it was uninstalling it! On a serious note fuck this game and fuck the people who made it. Maybe instead of crying to brain dead bird app how about make a good game you entitled shitheads

There's a chase level where you have to navigate around shelves to get to the far end of the room before the monster gets you, but with every corner you take the game intentionally makes the lighting harder to see to make it "harder".

Fucking hate these games, man.

La parte de la profesora es una crítica al sistema educativo y el bullying, una muestra más de los tremendos guionistas que llevan el carro de la increible franquicia Garten of Banban

I didn't even play it, I watched it in a discord call and this game is hilariously broken (we glitched past a segment on accident)

anyway peak just like the last

It's like the first game only longer and way worse. Significantly less fun than the first game because the gimmick has long-since worn off and it's trying to take itself seriously(?) now. Very bad "puzzles" full of trial and error, and generally a very unenjoyable experience. For the meme I will force myself to play Garten of Banban 3, but this entry has soured my opinion of something I already didn't like. Not good.

a cynical cash grab but kinda funny

Even worse, thanks god im not a toddler so i can finish this game under an 1.5 hour to give the creators my middle finger as payment. The amout of laziness and ways to artificially increase the length of the game is beyond human comprehension.

So, with my review of Garten of BanBan 1, I was a bit hopeful, and optimistic, and kind of praising the developers, though not entirely, and I gave the first the benefit of the doubt.

This game however, Garten of BanBan 2, is far worse. And I cannot be genuinely nice to it, I cannot give it the benefit of the doubt. This is plain bad. Let me explain.

So, I played Garten of BanBan 1 the day after it came out, on Janurary 7th, 2023. And I'm pretty sure that it wasn't very known right when it came out, it took a solid week I'm pretty sure, for it to gain traction. After I beat Part 1, I wasn't feeling much about the game, I was very 50/50, very indecisive on it. Not many thoughts or opinions flooded my head when I beat it. I just really only thought, ''If they do a 2nd one, I hope they do it better.'', and when 2 got teased, and they did teasers, and trailers for it, I wasn't excited for it, but my curiosity was there for it. I wanted to see if it would improve upon the 1st game. I became casually optimistic on the game.

The game released March 3rd, 2023. I bought it the day it released, and finished it the day of release. To my dismay, and I should have expected this truthfully, it was less than 2 hours long. And fundamentally as a game, it was far worse. Everything got more nonsensical, and hard to understand. The segments in this game were atrocious, to say the least.

I didn't care for Jumbo Josh as a villain, nor was I surprised by BanBan being the ''helper'' talking to you through the cameras. It all was very predictable, and it also cost 6 dollars for me. 6 dollars more than the previous one. 6 dollars more than what it should have been. BanBan 2 should have been the first game, mix 1 and 2 together, and release that as number 1. And BanBan 3 would become 2, and 4 would become 3, and it become tighter, in my opinion, and more worth your money, even if it's only an added 20 minutes.

They needed this game in the oven much longer than it was in the oven for, only being made for 57 days. It needed 100 at the very least, but if they took 100 days to make a proper game, then god forbid they have to delay BanBan 3.

This game is bad, really bad. I only continued to see where the series would go from here, and I was semi-surprised.

Overall: 3/10

I have never hated playing a game more

As a banbanner. this is the worst banban game.

banbaleena is so hot. now i know what it's like to have a crush on my teacher

I've only played this out of morbid curiosity lol