Reviews from

in the past

Game is very janky, esp the cutscenes
progression is quite fun but slows down alot later on, not for everyone, but i had fun in this

Fun but getting more powerful seems quite hard.

A cool very open rpg, that has some serious MMO vibes to it that I enjoyed. Combat was fun and pretty deep. Has a bit of jank and glitchyness but with the amount of content and how good it is I can't complain, especially when it's just one dev.

It's always impressive when a solo dev is able to put together an open world RPG. That's an incredible feat.

Unfortunately, nothing ever really grabbed me in Gedonia, so I called it quits at about 8 hours in.

I'll start with the good. It seems like the character progression has a lot of cool options -- I made a bard/necromancer hybrid that was surprisingly powerful. You get a mount early and can call it with a single click. Between that and a waystone system, the game has convenient enough travel that there's no need for Skyrim style instant fast travel.

Unfortunately, everything else was just average or outright bad. The combat itself is serviceable, but not particularly inspiring. The world is fine, but it didn't offer anything particularly unique or appealing to me. The writing and plot is outright bad, even accounting for the game not being written by a native English speaker. The game would have done better to not have voice acting at all.

I don't regret buying Gedonia. I had a few hours of fun and threw a few bucks to an indie dev, but I don't think I'll be giving it another chance.

Ambicioso RPG desarrollado por una única persona. Lo tosco se ve compensado por un carisma extraño, que encuentra una forma de potenciarse en lo absurdo y en la falta de pulido. Sus influencias son claras y lo pone en la mesa como se debe.

El potencial de la secuela, anunciada para 2025, es colosal.

This game is very unique to me in that it has an unbelievable amount going for it, super ambitious, successful in a lot of ways, open world game. Lots of unique builds to try, factions to join, interesting quests, it really does have a lot.

Where it falls woefully short unfortunately is the gameplay, the actual feel of swinging your sword, slinging a spell or shooting your bow is genuinely some of the worst gamefeel I've ever experienced, I thought my game was bugged or something but it's just like that.

I have other qualms with it that all stem from it being a low budget, I think one-man project, but for it being all the work of one guy it's extremely impressive.

Any other issues aside if this game just felt better to play, not even great, just better, I could see myself giving this like a 4-4.5/5 stars.