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in the past

The visual style is amazing but gameplay-wise it’s extremely basic. I didn’t find the writing that compelling either. I only stuck with the game to see all its glorious art. Also the soundtrack is some ethereal and eerie jazz that’s pretty sweet.

This game is filled to the brim with style. The simple black and white lines do so much. I'm a huge fan of art playing with perspective and this does it expertly.

The story is .... Complicated. I could have told you what it was about for about 75% of the game and then I have no idea. It definitely follows the traditional noir story. You're a detective trying to prevent the beautiful starlet from being shot. That's the basic... After that it involves a lot of philosophy regarding the creation and death of the universe.

I enjoyed it all the way through though and was constantly impressed with the scene transitions. The music was an absolute treat. But I have a lot of time for jazz.

It's a tad buggy and will crash a couple of times but it was easy enough to get back into it.

I've not seen anyone else talk about this game which is a shame as it definitely deserves a lot more eyes. A wonderful experience.

The game's ok
It looks too cool
Gameplay's a bore
Peaks before end

Tenta se apoiar na base filosófica e abstrata mas acaba não indo a lugar algum. Gameplay terrível principalmente se você jogou no controle. Os comandos parecem ''travados'' e há vários bugs e mecânicas que funcionam pela metade. Só estou dando 2,5 pelo visual e a música, mas de resto é um completo gasto desnecessário do seu tempo. Seria muito melhor se eles tivessem feito uma animação ou longa metragem, mas isso está longe de ser um jogo narrativo interessante. Só recomendo pra quem fica maravilhado com qualquer filosofia despejada no jogo (que não é o suficiente para faze-lo ser bom) e tem interesse na música e no visual, de resto, não joguem.

Forget style over substance, in Genesis Noir, the aesthetic is the substance. Without meaningful interactivity, your reaction to the art will determine how you feel about spending your time here. I was ambivalent, and the final third of the game tried my patience heavily.

Tedioso, o tema me agrada. Mas sem paciência para esse tipo de gameplay

Genesis Noir nunca tuvo que ser un videojuego. Habría sido una excelente serie de animación sino un corto ganador del óscar. Apenas hay jugabilidad, su point&click hace pasar cinemáticas de impresionante valor estético - musical y divulgativo: científico y existencialista.

I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. Sometimes the gameplay is frustrating, a little noodly like improvising jazz players, but it's always doing something interesting and it both looks and sounds amazing. It gets a whole extra star/half a star for just looking so damn cool.

Esteticamente insano, é lindo demais, mas sua gameplay é tão chata e seus puzzles são tão sem graça que eu não consegui mudar minha expressão durante o jogo inteiro (😐). Esperava bem mais.

very special, was really surprised
but also
lacking strongly in the gameplay department and really needed more polish really badly

Big moon or is it the sun? I don't remember.

Es un juego muy corto que me ha ayudado a pasar las noches de vuelta al trabajo y que he agradecido mucho 🙏. Es odiosamente bonito y espectacular en como se ve y se desenvuelve en la consola. Pero, los controles no son lo suyo y los puzzles han sido un tema por lo molestos e innecesarios que se hacen 😔. En el final se pasan tres big bangs, pero se le perdona por lo estrafalario y el descubrimiento de otra banda sonora que me voy a meter por el culo

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Peguei raiva desse jogo porque alguns momentos ficavam bugados e eu tinha que reiniciar saporra
Sobretudo, legal, mas eu precisaria rejogar pra ter uma compreensão melhor dele.
Entidade não binário sendo meu marido, entretanto, foi incrível

It's visually stunning. Truly unique, and every frame is in some shape or form breathtaking. Gameplay-wise, it's a standard point and click affair. There are parts of it I find needlessly tedious and slow, but other parts that are thrilling. I'll need to finish this, but I don't regret buying it on Steam and you should definitely check it out on GamePass if you have that.

sounds and looks great. a bit longer than it probably needed to be though.

almost incomprehensibly boring, i'm almost impressed actually.
i usually have more patience for these kind of games when at least they have either an interesting story, characters, premise, themes, anything i can latch on to, but this one has nothing.

ok, big bang made everything, i can get that from any basic science schoolbook. sure, you can try to make it look interesting, which this game kinda did, but the gameplay is so not there that it could have just been an animation.

Cool aesthetic and great music but story was far too abstract and gameplay too simplistic.

The games awesome art style coupled with its unique mix of astronomy and noir mystery makes this a must play game for me. While there is very little depth with the gameplay and it does drag on a little towards the end, there were a lot of beautiful moments in the games that make it stand out.

Começa interessante, parece promissor, mas rapidamente isso muda.

A história não vai pra lugar nenhum, fica tudo bem confuso. A gameplay não acrescenta em nada na experiência, apesar de ser um jogo bem animado e bonito, poderia ser um curta animado, não precisavam fazer um jogo.

Genesis Noir is a game that I was super excited about at first, but as the story devolved into gibberish and the gameplay into just dragging things around like a 2 year old, I was forced to abandon it.

This isn't really a game. It's an overlong trippy movie that constantly interrupts the experience to ask you to touch the screen. Usually, I enjoy things of this style, but Genesis Noir just lasts too long and offers too little.

...I'm not entirely sure what happened but I loved it?

It's more stunning than it is good, but it is really, really stunning.

Chapter: Improvisations was very cool.

There are two sides to this story. The noir side of it is relatively shallow and used more as an aesthetic/framing device than anything. The other covers the history of the universe and humanity, and muses about their future. The marriage of the two works quite well, and makes for a completely unique and stunning experience. (N.B.: I think this game would be best completed in a couple of sittings. I divided it much more when I played it, and I feel I got an imperfect experience of the game because of it).

Nice visuals and that's it
Painfully annoying ending

Juego bonito para pasar el rato.

Um bom jogo, mas nada demais.

Una experiencia basada en el sentimiento de querer salvar a alguien. Todo adornado por un diseño visual muy pintoresco. Tiene sus minijuegos basura cada tanto, pero no son invasivos.
Lo que me bajoneó del juego es cuanto se extiende, llegó a darme una sensación de ansiedad muy fuerte el querer que el juego termine de una vez y que se extienda por horas. Y ni es tan largo encima, pero toda la segunda mitad del juego pensaba en querer jugar otra cosa, que se termine ya, ya había captado la idea. Estoy seguro de que alguien con más paciencia y disposición puede pasarselo mejor, pero la verdad por el malestar causado, no puedo recomendarselo a nadie. Un sentimiento sólo causado por Metroid Fusion y Resident Evil 6, y acá otro se suma a la lista por desgracia.