Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo é uma obra de arte.



Dito isto, baseado nas reviews desse jogo, e especialmente depois de ler a ótima review do colega @jacksh0w , sinto que seria de bom grado (afinal, por quê não?) dar uma leve destrinchada no que é Genesis Noir.

Não vou dizer do que se trata, sobre o que é o jogo ou o plot principal. O que vou dizer é o que você deve esperar e qual o tipo de mentalidade que você deve sintonizar para ter uma boa experiência.

Se estamos sintonizados no AM, receberemos AM. Se estivermos sintonizados FM, receberemos FM.

O que quero dizer com isso? Bem, um leiteiro e um bombeiro andam na mesma rua e veem ruas diferentes.

O leiteiro vai olhar os melhores lugares pra parar seu pequeno caminhão de leite, o tamanho da calçada, se tem onde por sua caixa de leite e afins.

O bombeiro vai perceber o posicionamento dos hidrantes, qual a distância da janela das casas e as calçadas. O nível da estrutura das construções e afins.

Se você for assistir Transformers esperando a experiência que você teria assistindo 1917, você vai provavelmente se decepcionar.

Por quê essa comparação? Bem, muitas reviews de Genesis Noir criticam (claro, em seu direito) seu ritmo mais devagar e a romantização de certos aspectos.
Acontece que esse jogo aborda certos tópicos e questões de maneiras um pouco não ortodoxas.
Nos primeiros 15 minutos de jogo você provavelmente vai perceber que ele é uma experiência "diferente".

Ele arrisca. Ele sai (e muito) da caixinha convencional.

E eu não digo isso como "Vocês não entenderam!!! Seus bobos!!" Não, eu mesmo, comecei o jogo absurdamente empolgado, e essa empolgação se manteve o jogo inteiro. Mais pro fim, mais especificamente nas últimas 4 "fases" do jogo eu às começava com uma certa vontade de terminar o jogo, mas no meio da fase eu mudava de opinião e começava a me deleitar.

Depois das 2 últimas fases meus olhos se abriram definitivamente.

Experimente esse jogo como um filme interativo. Não um "jogo de videogame", pode ser que assim sua experiência seja um pouco mais lucrativa.

Eu joguei Genesis Noir após terminar uns 3 jogos bem frenéticos, então ele se encaixou perfeitamente no meu flow de jogatina.

Os puzzles não são difíceis, a movimentação é devagar, as cutscenes são contemplativas e não há diálogos.

Não é uma experiência convencional, mas definitivamente foi uma das melhores que eu já tive nessa indústria.

Um bom jogo, mas nada demais.

This game is just flowing with its amazing at times entrancing style it's outstanding, its gameplay is not really all that engaging but it reminds me a lot of Later Algaitor, where it's less about the one to one gameplay and more of the interactions you have with characters in the game.

I don't really know what this game is trying to tell me but it sure does look good doing it

Psychedelic and thought provoking. If you can get past its barebones gameplay it offers a visual feast and an excellent score to keep you invested.

Personallyyyyyyyyyy, I think as a Game its not very interesting
The point and click segments can either be an okay puzzle or something thats kind of a mundane task
I think the game is pretty nice if you treat it more like an Interactive Art Adventure game.. ik ik not really sounding much better LMAO but i dont know how else to describe it! There isnt necessarily a way you can die in this game or have any error aside from the bugs and softlock glitches on the Xbox version I played sadly.
But okay thats negatives out of the way
HOLY SHIT THIS AESTHETIC IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!! I love the character design and the use of colors a lot and how much is done with space beyond it just being a motif and the No-Man's journey is really cool because it keeps hitting you with new locations and new unraveling bits of space time, so sick.

I also actually really like the storytelling in this game even though it felt really slow after the first couple chapters, the last couple chapters gave me the same stimulating sensation i felt while playing sayonara wild hearts(Though dont get me wrong theyre very different games with very different vibes but still games with incredibly strong art directions)
Also people sayin this game is like 3 hours long are either
A. Fuckin lyin
or B. they encountered no crashes or took breaks or they had a walkthrough 100% of the way
doesnt matter THAT MUCH but you wouldnt believe my disbelief upon seeing most people beat it at 3 hours when i beat it at 6 LMAO

All in all its like playable soul, thts the highest praise i can give it
But at the same time I think some things couldve been executed a bit better ? So i cant exactly give it more than a 3/5 but that doesnt make it bad, its quite a nice game
Also both endings i think can be treated as canon

my interpretation of both is either No-Man chooses to never lose his connection to miss mass by never getting with her in the first place but also ends up feeling so directionless without her and she still dies
or he hangs out with his god friend as another spacial being and simply has no attachment to the world anymore around him, just soaking in the universe accepting that it's just not his place anymore
theyre both sad but there's also a lot of finality and beauty in both of these endings because one sees No-Man moving on and the other is what its like when youre unable to move on, when youre unable to let go, when youre unable to change but the sting lingers within you wondering what couldve been.
tldr; yeah its neat

ENGLISH [Traducción en Español mas abajo]
Okay. This game was a peculiar experience that left me with some mixed opinions, mostly not very pleasant.

Short answer: If you expect a detective game, solving a murder case in cosmic noir style to the rhythm of jazz music... you won't find it in this game, it's funny, the game gives you that impression and it turns out its not, this is a story where your girl is killed and you take a whole journey to find her murderer, at the same time give you an allegory of the big bang and the evolution of the human being, add to it a rather slow gameplay in which you will spend most of the hours as a spectator.

Speaking more on the subject:
Now what is the game about? It is about an "individual" who falls in love but this love does not last long thanks to the jealousy of another character in the story, in turn all this drama is used to make an allegory to the emergence of the universe, the big bang, the creation of life and its evolution, etc., basically you will be traveling between eras, from the creation of everything to what was once "the current life" of our species.

If we go through the aesthetic and the music, the artistic style is undoubtedly its most interesting section, pulling from the surreal, in several cases it plays with the theme it offers, giving a very striking visual journey and the music fits like a glove, to which rhythm of the saxophone and also mixes other musical styles according to what moment of the big bang or time of our evolution we find ourselves.

The idea is striking and interestingly also happens to be its Achilles heel, while you are "solving the case" so to speak, it shows you or "recreates" the before and after of the big bang, basically we teach science and philosophy at the same time, you go and they come between the two songs until there comes a point where keeping up with it becomes tiring and you end up wondering what is happening at that moment.

If you moved on to the gameplay this is more of a "click and point" type with some challenges in the form of puzzles, but that interaction is reduced by the insane amount of cinematics they show, instead of playing you end up as a spectator. The good part of the game, it has interesting moments but the overall experience is surprisingly slow, very leisurely and it tells you that someone who likes games where you do almost nothing.

If you want to talk about duration, the game is relatively short, but thanks to its slow gameplay, it feels like you spent more time than you think. In fact, you can finish it in a single afternoon, but if you end up feeling the heavy experience, it is most likely that you spend 2 or 3 days in sessions of 1 and 2 hours or at least that was my case... No, I did not enjoy it as I expected , I let myself be carried away by that visual style that he handles.

If you're looking to bring out that detective side... na, you won't find it here, I'm glad it was a short experience, but it's not one that I would repeat.
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Ok. Este juego fue una experiencia peculiar que me a dejado con opiniones un tanto mixta, en su mayoría no muy gratas.

Respuesta corta: Si esperas un juego de detectives, resolviendo un caso de asesinato al estilo noir cósmico al ritmo de la música de jazz... no lo encontrarás en este juego, es gracioso, el juego te da esa impresión y resulta que noup, en si es una historia donde matan a tu chica y das todo un viaje para dar con su asesino, al mismo tiempo darte una alegoría del big bang y la evolución del ser humano, agrégale una jugabilidad bastante lenta en la que pasarás la mayor parte de las horas como espectador.

Hablando más sobre el tema:
Ahora de qué se trata el juego? Se trata de un "individuo" que se enamora pero este amor no dura mucho gracias a los celos de otro personaje de la historia, a su vez todo este drama se utiliza para hacer una alegoría a la surgir del universo, el big bang, la creación de la vida y su evolución, etc., básicamente estarás viajando entre épocas, desde la creación del todo hasta lo que fue en un tiempo "la vida actual" de nuestra especie.

Si pasamos por lo estético y la música, el estilo artístico es sin duda su apartado más interesantes, tirando de lo surrealista, en varios casos juega con la temática que ofrece dando un viaje visual muy llamativo y la música le queda como un guante, al ritmo del saxofón y ademas mezcla otros estilos musicales de acuerdo a en que momento del big bang o época de nuestra evolución nos encontremos.

La idea es llamativa y curiosamente también resulta ser su talón de aquiles, mientras estás "resolviendo el caso" por así decirlo, te muestran o "recrean" el antes y el después del big bang, básicamente quieren enseñamos ciencia y filosofía al mismo tiempo, vas y vienen entre ambos temas hasta que llega un punto en el que seguirle el ritmo se vuelve cansado y terminas preguntándote que esta pasando en ese momento.

Si pasamos a la jugabilidad, esta es más parecido a "hacer clic y apuntar" con algunos desafíos en forma de rompecabezas, pero esa interacción se reduce enormemente con la increíble cantidad de cinemáticas que muestran, en lugar de jugar terminas como espectador La buena parte del juego, tiene momentos interesantes pero la experiencia general es sorprendentemente lenta, muy pausada y te lo dice alguien que le gustan los juegos donde casi no haces nada.

Si quieres hablar de duración, el juego es relativamente corto , pero gracias a su lenta jugabilidad, parece que pasaste más tiempo del que crees. En si puedes terminarlo en una sola tarde, pero si terminas sintiendo la experiencia pesada lo más probable es que le dediques 2 o 3 días en sesiones de 1 y 2 hora o al menos ese fue mi caso... No no lo disfrute como esperaba, me deje llevar por ese estilo visual que maneja.

Si buscas sacar ese lado detective... na, no lo vas a encontrar aquí, me alegra que fuera una experiencia corta, mas no es una que volvería a repetir.

É um jogo bem visual, bem bonito, mas é muito viajado e isso não é muito pra mim não.
No final o jogo tenta apelar pro emocional, criar uma conclusão bonita com uma moral, mas o resto da história não criou consistência pra isso.

This felt like a drug trip and more a confusing one than a fun one

was cool until they added colors, turned to shit when they added voice acting


It's interesting but perhaps too obtuse in its mechanics (especially considering it strives to overcome determinism on a narrative level). Its best aspect is how insistingly it leaves you without hints about what to do and how to do it - which is great considering the cosmic pretenses.

What drew me to this game is its science creation story through a film noir style and unique aesthetics. While the overall effort and interpretation is commendable, I think it fails significantly in the story and gameplay mechanics. Story-wise, I feel the ending is unearned without clear emotional moments as well as its overall plot. Since it lacks a clear line between abstract and real, it is hard to tell which elements of the plot are to be taken literally or metaphorically. It is also hard to believe that the side characters met on the way become very important later on without developing their relationship. It is just unnecessarily hard to understand character actions and motivation making the game feel like a mess.

Despite having an abstract story, it is the gameplay that ruins the game. The game has so many unnecessary and tedious interactions would be better as cutscenes. For example, rotating the analog stick, picking up/throwing items, holding a button . It can work with the proper context, but the scale and repetition feels like busywork with the jank. The jank is death by a thousand cuts such as fidgety object rotation, unresponsive cursor snapping, unclear invisible walls, slow walk speed, unskippable cutscenes, unresponsive item inventory, soft locks. It feels everything is slower and more restrictive than it has to. If it chose its moments of interactivity well, this would have not been such a bad experience to play through.

I do challenge why the game's abstract science had to be framed in a film noir style since the genre is male and human coded. It limits the design and focus on humans instead of abstract or inventive creatures or designs beyond the cosmos. It also has a female film noir character trope that I don't like to somewhat justify the final choice. The musical choice too of just jazz is also limited where the orchestral or theremin music would make it more vibrant. I just don't think a crime is needed to tell this story.

Due to the lack of an emotional core and taxing gameplay, I have to bump this down a tier and cannot recommend it overall despite liking the concept.

Очень посредственный point and click без вариативности. Вроде бы все начинается в антураже нуарного детектива, а в итоге получаешь порцию физики и математики на фоне простеньких головоломок. Проходится за три-четыре часа, но даже за столь короткое время игра успевает наскучить и ждешь окончания игры. Только пару вещей придают этой игре шарм: визуал и саундтрек. Был бы это действительно нуарный детектив, то было бы здорово, но имеем, что имеем.
Когда начал играть в портативе, то подумал, как было бы хорошо пройти ее на оледе, но целиться в подобного рода играх джойстиком крайне неудобно.

Precioso, es como verte una peli interactiva. Recomendado para una tarde tonta

I can honestly say that for a game that starts with a jealous lover's horrible deed causing a literal big bang, I was surprised that it continued to subvert my expectations even by the end of the story.

This might be a silly comparison, but in some ways it's similar to a comedic noir game, Later, Alligator, in which each section of the game involves a specific minigame/mission to uncover a piece of evidence behind the mystery.

There is honestly a lot going on when it comes to space metaphors and the history behind the big bang theory that can be a bit overwhelming, but the story behind all the layers of scientific theories and hypotheses is a simple story about the universal tragedy of lost love that has spanned for generations to infinite cultures.

I'm curious how much I'll think about this game by the end of the year, but at the very least it's one of the most visually striking games to come out this year.

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Peguei raiva desse jogo porque alguns momentos ficavam bugados e eu tinha que reiniciar saporra
Sobretudo, legal, mas eu precisaria rejogar pra ter uma compreensão melhor dele.
Entidade não binário sendo meu marido, entretanto, foi incrível

Possibly my game of the year, enjoyed it so much that I treated it as a series, trying to take my time with it the most I could, the art style is some next level stuff and with HDR its the best a game has looked on my Series X, loved it.

Melhor game indie que joguei em 2021, jogo experimental + conceitos de física

one of the most stylish games I've played in a long time. the experience is almost entirely carried by the aesthetic and sound design, since some bugs and the lack of clarity of some of the interactions in certain sections would interrupt the experience as I was trying to figure out what to do. that said, I really enjoyed my time here.

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O cara precisou ser corno pra entender o multiverso.

Some jank on Xbox One, and not a particularly fun game to play. But you're probably not coming to it for any of that. It's super stylish, evoking a lot of noir and Saul Bass in a way that keeps things engaging throughout. Jazz soundtrack is great as well, especially in some of the later chapters where it comes front and center.

Not the worst way to spend a few hours as this is a brief, easily digestible experience.

In hindsight, I should've just watched a playthrough of this on Youtube instead of playing it myself

A surreal noir spanning through time. Some annoying minigames, but more beautiful moments.

Really great game. I'm a big lover of Jazz, so the music was perfect!

However, the story is a bit confusing for me to understand and I had to look up reviews to get a better explanation. Overall a great game to try out! It's extremely beautiful. I would rate this at least a 8/10.

I’m putting this in the not worth my time category for how little it has to say or do about anything. I like jazz. This game uses jazz. There. I said something positive about this game.

bonito, trilha sonora incrível com uma das piores gameplays que já vi

Game looks incredible and has a great vibe and great music, but god, it's fucking obtuse. And I am on record as loving obtuse, but this ain't it, chief.