Reviews from

in the past

Meio paia, toda missão é a exata mesma coisa e mesmo a gameplay sendo boa, enjoa fácil. A história é boa, mas n sei se vale tanto a pena só por ela.

O anime é bom apesar de cortar e inventar algumas coisas, assistam.

Despite the extra story content and improved graphics, I do prefer Burst over Resurrection. Couldn't tell you why. Something so charming about the lowpoly PSP models, I think. This was my introduction to hunting games and I certainly found it challenging at the time, though I imagine seasoned players will adjust easily. There's a lot of fun to be had getting to known the patterns and weaknesses of each Aragami and playing with your equipment to match them. On top of that, the cast is incredibly charming and really sells their growing bonds in the darkest times they face. It does come with era-appropriate jank, of course, but it's well worth playing for any fan of the hunting genre.

o motivo que fez eu comprar um psp

"God Eater Burst" expands upon the original game with additional content, making it the preferable choice for PSP owners. The game offers an enhanced experience compared to its predecessor, providing players with more content to explore and enjoy.

While "God Eater Burst" improves upon the original game, it still retains some of its flaws. The story progression can feel slow at times, and the gameplay may not offer much innovation for those familiar with the genre. However, the additional content adds value to the overall experience, making it a solid choice for fans of action RPGs on the PSP.

Overall, "God Eater Burst" is a worthy addition to the series, offering an improved and expanded gameplay experience for PSP owners. If you're looking for a satisfying action RPG experience on the PSP, "God Eater Burst" is worth considering.

God Eater is better than Monster Hunter. Like no joke. Plot and characters worth giving a shit about. Gameplay grind significantly cut down, a decent character creator. It's damn good.