Reviews from

in the past

"May you the beauty of this world, always shine."

Actually a much better-designed game than Genshin Impact, and not just because it has a more generous gacha. Although it lacks the scope and longevity of Genshin Impact, this could be seen as a good thing since HI3 has a pick up and play playstyle that is better suited to the slow, time-gated progresion typical in gacha games. Overall HI3 is one of the best mobile games I've played but at the end of the day it's still a gacha game with predatory monetisation so be aware of what you're getting into here.

This game has waifus that tell you you've worked hard all day and deserve a rest what more can you ask for?

A relatively ambitious mobile game in terms of the scope of its story and world building. I won't lie and say that the post apocalyptic setting involving girls in latex suits and mechs with underlying themes of trauma really did give me Evangelion vibes, as meaningless as such blatent comparisons have become. Either way, I loved the characters here a lot and I think it really benefits from having a smaller cast than Genshin so it can flesh each character out to where they each have purpose and even development throughout the course of the story.

The game has so much detail and different plot lines that it unfortunately sometimes resorts to huge exposition dumps that just bombard you with information. It just felt like a bit much at times and I would sometimes want the characters to stop talking even though I generally found the world and events interesting. That said, there are some really strong and interesting moments here that I felt paid off, but I can't say it came without any slog.

Gameplay is mostly linear levels with heavy combat emphasis, but I found the combat pretty engaging so I didn't mind the repetitive nature. As with other gacha games, a large part of your performance comes down to your character builds, but the moment to moment gameplay shines here as combos of attacking and dodging just flows really well.

It's a very flawed game at the end of the day but one I enjoyed more than Genshin after playing that game for a year and I may consider this a good new time sink for now.

Edit: Chapter 17 😭

can't get into the combat, which is unfortunate considering I heard the story is really good in this one

Honkai Impact 3rd was the very first gacha game I played where I realized that gachas can be made quite fucking fantastically. It offers the best character-centric story I've ever seen in a game (not to mention this is a mobile game) this shit is pure cinema ask anyone who's genuinely played the game or just watch the shorts to see for yourself

Gameplay: The game is ok, it can be fun, but it's not my style.

History: Until chapter 7 the storytelling is extremely precarious, only managing to find each other during chapter 9 onwards. Seeing Sirin return is cool and for all the drama related to the second impact has an impact on seeing her return, but what we have of her in the game is extremely shallow, even further on in the story, all the substance she has comes from the manga. , which is excellent by the way, this for me is a clear demerit of the game.

It took the series 9 chapters to figure out how to tell their story and know how to execute it, and to prove that they finally got it, they give us the wonderful scene of Himeko.

The scene is EPIC and manages to bring a good emotional drama, but imagine what the scene would be like if the work knew how to work from the beginning, giving space and focus to Himeko, oh my God. .. we would have a masterpiece here.

Honkai's biggest problem in terms of story, at least in the game, is that it doesn't have any substance, it's empty. If you really want to consume the story, if you want to know more about the characters, the world, the whole mythology, you should go for the manga. Honkai's biggest mistake is that you're forced to go into the manga so the in-game story isn't empty. And the mangas have several different order that you can follow and in the end each one can have a completely different experience depending on the way you read the mangas and interspersed with the game, it's a fucked up mess to read that even disheartening.
Of course you can just read the game like I was doing, but as I said it's empty and you feel like there's something missing, this for me is Honkai's biggest problem and mistake.


everlasting flames arc saved my life i love you kiana

Best mobile game ever, I would say. Even in 2020, four years later. Update: well, there is Genshin Impact now, but this game is still more polished and mature in many ways that even Genshin isn't (yet, at least).

It's kinda hard for me to fully articulate my thoughts on a game that essentially existed for a solid 8 years while I've rushed through the story content in only two months. There are feelings I've not been able to quite feel due to my lack of history, and important context I can't help but lament missing.

So I speak here not as an old veteran, or even as someone with at least some history with the franchise like I had with FFXIV, but as someone who was sapped into this game this very year for a silly reason and couldn't help but forge through to the end.

Okay, so, game's good. I don't think I have much of interest to say concerning the gameplay, it's fairly engaging hack n' slash that does its job at worst, and uses fairly inventive tricks to heighten the story moments at its best (especially impressive for a mobile game).
What I signed up for, and I was really interested in however, was the story. I have an...acquiantance shall we say (wink) who had started this game around last year and praised it a very decent amount. I held strong for a while, but in the end I just needed to know what the deal was. What was she seeing, feeling, that I was missing out on. And I...understand now. Honkai's story is a heartfelt, beautiful ode to a lot of the themes that person and I hold dear in our chests, it's a deeply emotional plot that generally always kept me wanting to see more of the world and setting. It goes beyond the game and into the multimedia too. The numerous mangas, the two VNs, the numerous animations, the silly chibis, everything works together wonderfully to create what is one of the most comprehensive and insanely "full" experiences I've had with any story.

And here comes the part where I'm gonna be a stinky poo poo and complain about gacha again. Yes it's a gacha, yes I hate those, and yes I hate that this game is one too. In fact, if all my praise thus far is to the highest degree, I think the medium of the game still halts it from becoming a true and tried favorite in my heart. It's an unfortunate moral shield I still hold, but I cannot in good conscience praise this game again and again without the very large asterisk of: this game is still of the genre that aims to suck out your money with edulcorated gambling.

However. I praised this game first because what I saw, what I played and what I felt throughout my whole experience, from the writing to the characters truly did take their roots in me. Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua, Elysia, and all the others who've had numerous arcs across multiple media and chapters were written genuinely and with a sincerity that affected me to my deepest core. So I want to emphasize that while I abhor this game's medium, it's something I can't really fully blame the writers, animators, designers and developers on. (Who am I blaming then? Capitalism.)

In short (lol); Honkai Impact 3rd is a beautifully written game with some stumbles here and there, especially in the first half of the game where it's clear the general outline of the plot was not quite as well defined. The gameplay is as fun as it should be and the multiple strong emotional moments have had their effects on me, to the point I'm a slightly different person for having experienced all of what Honkai had to offer. I just have to lament that this isn't a game one can ethically consume. And this will apply to any gacha I play in the future, which I guess makes me slightly part of the problem too, even despite my f2p status.

But I can blame capitalism all day (and I DO), in the end it's these complicated and mixed feelings that make up the bulk of my thoughts. I love this game, i love the world it developed around it, and I love the stories it made me go through.
But more than any of that, I love the insight it gave me into the passion of the person I hold dearest in this whole world.

Thanks Alise, may we keep fighting for all that is beautiful in the world, together.

Once the story with Otto comes to its conclusion it really lost its way. Still some cool stuff happening, but the Elysium Realm was the longest filler arc ever and didn't need to happen.

A game with exceptional characters, and a cool universe that admittedly gets a bit out of hand with trying to be complex.

Great story until the writers probably took notes from Genshin's success to pad the story as much as possible. The only reason I stopped playing. Also has a great gameplay loop.

I also wish it had more body type variety. Feels like 80% of the cast looks exactly the same if you were to push clothing aside.

It has been a good traveling companion for me. thx developers

As grindy and competitive as it was it's still far better than Genshin. Could've done without the self insert protagonist as we don't really matter at all to the story.

Fucked up how this game is legitimately a 10/10 in a lot of areas but the shitty gacha brings it down to an 8. Still love it and especially the characters, but oooooof

genshin but better with cute girls

One of my favorite games ever. Kiana is Top 5 MC for me after experiencing Chapter 25 of the game. The CGs (like Everlasting Flame )in this game are so well done with full of emotion and the music has symbolisms for the CGs they present. It will give you a good amount of depression for sure. The Story and characters are the highlight of Honkai for me.

Now, about the gameplay, We have a very similar type of gameplay towards DMC. Basically, a hack and slash game. We have the usual stamina system for gacha games. The equipment which are weapons, stigmatas and elfs. Some skill boosts. You farm for a lot of currency for this equipment and stat boosts. Some might find grindy farming this currencies. I did find a little overwhelmed by the amount of things to do at first,but around level 70 onwards I finally managed to do it with no problem. I'm level 81 right now which unlocks better rewards but harder content to complete.
We also got a variety of events which are really creative and fun.

Overall, Honkai is a game I got attached to,because of the Story, Events and Characters. I gotta say the farming aspect of the game isn't really my favorite part of Honkai,but most of the times it doesn't bother me.

The graphic for part 1 I don't like so I don't want it on my favorite games list so using this one instead. My review to part 1 is under that entry
Love everything prior to some bits of the ending, not going to change rating of it atm though
The Ending just hasnt made me love the series as much as I used to
Still love the series as a whole and the characters dearly, the ending just doesn't give me that sense of feeling as I once did and the part 2 announcement didnt do much for it either as I hate the way theyre going with it

didnt play for long so i dont feel good rating it, but a few months ago i decided to give it a shot and i just hated it. the level design was so boring in the first 40 minutes of playing, and while the combat was flashy and cool, it felt really mindless. it could be fun, but nothing felt impactful and the few characters i had felt too samey. i might give it another shot eventually

honkai veio quando estava a procura de algum jogo q conseguisse suprir as minhas vontades, e ele conseguiu desde o momento q o vi e talvez seja pq me lembrou final fantasy por algum motivo?? o estilo, o charme q honkai tem fez com q o meu amor por ele crescesse!
alguns capítulos de honkais são muito mais muito chatos, monótonos e um diálogo imenso q obviamente vc vai querer passar isso, porém vc perde uma parte da história..eehh...além de alguns capítulos parecerem um pequeno filler, por exemplo o 13 que pra mim ficou meio chato e okay estamos vendo a kiana, após ter sido possuída pela sirin e tudo mas, foi legal ver a rita e ela trabalhando juntas mas foi tão demorado pra mim e parecia um filler só pra enrolar mais a lore
questão dos capítulos, são as personagens q vc é obrigado a jogar, isso não é totalmente ruim okay? ele mostra tipos de equipes, personagens para testar e é divertido! porém, em um certo capítulo, o 7 vc é obrigado a jogar com a himeko algumas vezes, entendo q é por conta da lore para explicar oq está acontecendo nesse momento da história MAS TEM Q SER REALMENTE ELA? lembro de ter perdido algumas vezes por ela ser uma personagem "dura" pelo menos para mim, e essa parte é bem chatinha caras poderiam ter dado a opção de trocar pra facilitar, pq nas cutscene mesmo vemos q quem está fazendo todo o trabalho é a himeko enfim
mas a partir do 20 os capítulos ficam ótimos e a lore começa a te envolver melhor, principalmente a questão da kiana e mei
o universo de honkai é divertido, pq bem, ele contém personagens de outros universos dentro do jogo, não só a fischl de genshin, mas outros e isso torna o jogo mais divertido por conta de alguns eventos q tem para apresentar esses personagens como por exemplo, a darkbolt jonin se não to enganado, sendo esse foi um dos eventos mais legais q já fiz e quando ele voltou, não pensei duas vezes e refiz ele de tão interessante q a história é!
acho legal a questão q melhoraram as valkyrias que realmente eram horríveis de jogar ao invés de realmente ser uma personagem nova e ter q dar pull nos banners, foi mt inteligente oq fizeram pq tb entrou mt bem no contexto da história, por exemplo a valkyrie ranger's para a void drifter e outros exemplos como: a valkyrie bladestrike para a striker fulminata
yamabuki armor para drive kometa ESSA AQUI FOI REAL BOA
shadow dash para danzai spectramancer, principalmente essa, e cai com oq disse de melhorar oq já tem no jogo, na lore e só melhorar pra tb caiu no jogo e na lore!
o ruim é vc ter q juntas os augment core e sempre ter q ficar dando upgrade
o universo do jogo é mt interessante de vc tentar entender, vc pode ler os diversos mangás q são bons tb (alguns) e eles explicam coisas q não estão no jogo
os mundos q tem no jogo são até q legais, eles saiem um pouco daquela coisa repetida e te deixa ser um pouco mais livre mas, tem um q me incomoda um pouco e chega a ser meio errrr... q é o a post-honkai odyssey ou apho, ele sempre foi oq menos gostava e preferia nem jogar esse mapa
agora sobre o elysium realm e os flame chasers, eu não tava com muitas esperanças e até me surpreendeu, pq não tava esperando muita coisa e pensei q fosse mais um filler pra enrolar a lore E NAO! é confuso no inicío, pra vc entender oq é esse lugar, oq são os personagens, como eles são, se estão vivos ou não tudo foi mt bem feito e desenvolvido, oq achei q não aconteceria, oq me deixa triste é a questão da fuhua, enfim foi bem legal jogar mesmo tendo algumas partes um pouco tediosas e difíceis de jogar
a lore em si é boa, a caraterização foi mt bem feita pq vc ve o trio, kiana, mei e bronya crescerem, passarem por suas dificuldades, desenvolvimento e ainda estarem juntas E PRINCIPALEMENTE a relação de kiana e bronya finalmente estar melhor doq antes, pq em alguns mangás, eventos e cenas do jogo dá pra ver uma competitividade das duas, seja pela mei ou só uma "birra" e isso, era oq me preocupava e queria ver se fosse ser desenvolvido E FOI, as duas trabalhando juntas no cap 20 eu acho? e no final, a bronya se emocionando por causa de kiana e mostrando como uma se importa com a outra, foi mt bem feito e vc consegue se apegar as personagens tudo foi mt bem trabalho e escrito
o ruim é q, algumas personagens, foram meio q "esquecidas" e queria q mostrassem mais elas, tipo, rita, seele entre outras mas tudo no seu tempo!
a jogabilidade, é apresentada como um romance visual com os personagens se movendo um pouco e falando, no formato de sprite 3D os designs dos personagens também melhoraram conforme o jogo se desenvolveu, principalmente em questão de skin q eram o fetichismo, roupas com colorações horríveis, agora os mais novos, são bem bonitos! eles coincidem com as personagens, tudo mais harmonioso, as cores, design, roupas caindo bem no estilo de cada uma e claro q tem algumas q pisam na bola demais tipo uma da mobius
eventos! geralmente são dormentes e chatos, ficam quase num mesmo padrão, além de ter recompensas miseráveis muitos dos eventos são versões chibi das personagens com uma jogabilidade fora do normal do honkai, e isso ficou mt comum e esse tipo de jogabilidade, é algo q eu realmente odeio, eu ODIAVA ter q fazer esses eventos, principalmente quando tinha puzzle, ou vc tem q ficar lutando e ERA HORRIVEL PQ SAO TUDO LERDO E CHATO. SO NAO. deveriam mudar isso. Agora eventos de combate deveriam ser mais utilizados, e teve um lá no início q joguei, eu nao me lembro mt bem mas era divertido, vc poderia jogar com todos os personagens enquanto vc avançava as missões, e vc meio q dava pull e ganha elas MAS ERA SO NESSE EVENTO ENFIM, só era mt cansativo q chegava a dropar alguns eventos
O combate é divertido, confuso e muito chamativo, muitas cores e informações diante de sua tela e é isso q eu gosto! No entanto, o jogo é muito dependente da formação de equipes, você não pode simplesmente misturar quem vc quiser e pronto, até pode mas a chance de dar certo é meio ehh e se vc escolher qm não for dos mesmos elementos, você não pode forçar a "transição" de um suporte para um DPS tlg? a única inclusão q posso fazer seria no elysium realm e olhe lá
sobre gacha, ele melhorou ao meu ver, comparando quando jogava em 2018, ele ainda sim é um inferno e chato mas é um pouco mais amigável mas meh..
armas e stigmatas tudo, é estressante demais tem sim como vc forjar algumas armas q o jogo tem sem ter q dar pull em banners mas, a maioria é ruim e quando são de eventos TAMBEM SAO RUINS. E quando tem um q preste, são poucos q tem entao oq resta a fazer é dar pull :0
e acrescentando algo, nem todo DPS é disponível no elysium realm e ele é um modo de história e meio q isso impede de usar algumas personagens oq me deixou meio ://
enfim, a história é inteiramente f2p e fica acima da média! O tamanho e conjunto de personagens é até q pequeno, o que torna mais fácil se apegar a eles e querer saber mais deles e nas histórias abrangentes
a jogabilidade é única e mt boa, é divertido até mesmo em co-op! A história pode ser confusa no começo, mas você pode pegar o jeito enquanto joga, tem os mangás como tinha mencionado e outros jogos tb q podem ser divertidos de vc olhar e fazer uma comparação sobre design e até mesmo querer saber da história q seriam houkai gakuen/guns girls z
queria mt q mais pessoas falassem sobre honkai e por seus próprios méritos! ao invés de ficarem comparando genshin e ficar nessa rivalidade chata
o jogo em sí é incrível eu amo honkai e amo ver sobre, principalmente explicar a lore dele, pq é mt satisfatório, ele é cheio de detalhes e tem uma estrutura forte e muito bem trabalhado!

The game's start is beyond turbulent, not only are the first few chapters fairly weak, before you even get to them you have to first read a plethora of side manga and 1 VN (although all of these are fairly short).
However by the time you get to Second Eruption things start getting into a proper order, chapters start feeling like actual meaningful events instead of the more vapid and short nature of the earlier ones and characters start getting proper developments eventually culminating into some really powerful arcs. After watching the documentary the reason for this becomes perfectly clear as it lines up with when they decided they wanted to ramp up their storytelling and try to convey something proper.
Do be warned though they will throw A LOT of pseudoscience later on and while I'm not one that usually minds this too much, it ended up kind of making me roll my eyes a bit and distanced me from the narrative at times, but in the end the game always managed to pull through when it counted thanks to its strong emotional core.

As a gacha game it obviously comes bundled with a whole bunch of problems, the actual gacha machine in this one for once is ESPECIALLY cruel, abysmal rates and needing to roll not only for weapons but also for stigmata, however, after second eruption (again) the story chapters give you their own fully equipped units meaning you baaarely have to use your own outside of Ely Realm way later into the story.
The fact Kiana is an actual main character with proper developments, struggles and dynamics with others does WONDERS to raise my opinion of this compared to other gacha games, and on top of this, Honkai also bypasses another problem the genre has for me, where the barebones presentation can seriously butcher important moments, by having properly animated cutscenes at the end/climax of most chapters. Thus Spoke Apocalypse (😭) , Because of You and Everlasting Flames are easily some of the most memorable moments in the whole series.

The gameplay quality can vary quite a lot depending on which suit you are using, Bronya's earlier ones are uhhh... otherwise just use a controller if you are playing on pc and it should be fun enough as long as you don't expect anything too overly complex, the different minigames they throw at you every so often can be sort of annoying at first but I eventually grew into finding them more cute than anything, it's not like they are very hard or take too long and look they straight up had to make up a Drakengard-ish dragon riding minigame that gets used in 1 mission in chapter 17 and that's it, no other uses. It's so extra for no reason, I love it.

I still have to do part 1.5 and I don't know if I'll be playing part 2 because it doesn't seem like the sort of thing I'd enjoy all that much but I do not regret the 200(!)+ hrs and the whole month I ended up spending on this game. Great ride.

I don't play anymore but kiana will always be five stars in my heart.

The Mihoyo game that doesn't suck. Generally superior to Genshin (especially in regards to gameplay), but suffers from age, its start as a mobile exclusive, and a certain degree of content bloat. Fans of this game often rave about the story, and while it has very strong moments, these moments are far and few between amidst a mass of remarkably boring campaign missions and endless amounts of exposition during cutscenes. These things improve to a certain degree in later chapters, but never enough to make it truly worth it. Regardless, as a gacha game Honkai is a fun time for its gameplay, valkyries, and events. It's less greedy than Genshin, although not as much as I would like.

That said, thanks to a newly amassed budget from its inferior sister game, a sequel to Honkai has an immense amount of potential.