Reviews from

in the past

A decent game, particularly because I enjoy the "small object in a regular sized world" trope, but it got really repetitive pretty quickly. I couldn't figure out the garage level, and I couldn't be bothered to look it up. I'm happy with the couple hours of fun it offered.

torsión testicular el videojuego

It's weird because this game is intended to be frustrating and everybody agrees that it is. But I thought it was fun enough to go for 100%. I'm probably not mentally sane.

A really funny idea with a funny amount of lore but garbage controls that make it totally un-fun to play. To be fair I'm not sure how else you would simulate controlling a slice of bread, but surely there was a better way than this?

Better when you’re watching your favorite YouTuber play it

Nunca imaginei ser um pão. Continuo contente não sendo um.

Who knew it would be so hard to be bread

A relic from old school youtube gaming. Only slightly better than Surgeon Simulator.

why does the bread want to be toasted?


I got bored of this game in the time I eat a toast

i... i really wanted to play the game called "i am bread" (sniffs) because... (sobs) i love bread so much... (sniffs) but... but i can't (sobs and sniffs) i can't beat the first level (starts crying) i've been trying for twenty minutes... i can't (knees on the floor) do this (sobs) anymore... (pukes a little)

um dos jogos mais bobos que ficaram populares na onda de jogos ruins e estranhos que dominaram o youtube entre 2014 e 2016, tendo controles caóticos, uma gameplay estressante e falha, com diversos bugs e uma ideia fajuta
ele nem consegue ser divertidinho, como Octodad e Goat Simulator, ele é só muito ruim mesmo.

one of the dumbest games ever


Really weird and different

This game fucking sucks ass. It’s so difficult and the controls are awful. Got halfway through the 1st level and quit.

Confesso, não consigo resistir a jogos com controlos pouco ortodoxos cujo principal objetivo passa por levar até o mais calmo dos jogadores à loucura.

À luz de jogos como Getting Over It e Octodad, I am Bread cumpre a sua missão de forma exímia, diria. E acrescento, o jogador controla um pão. Um. Pão.

probably shouldnt be this score but here we are. oddly fun once i got a hang of the controls. lots of different game modes to play too. best to play with a controller. this game was big when it came out, but it hasnt aged too well.

The only fun that comes from games like this is watching other people suffer from how bad everything about it is. Avoid.

I love unintuitive control schemes. This one just kinda sucks though since the objective is just a really mundane thing. Even if its neat you can toast yourself on a broken CRT.

I like the special modes though.