Reviews from

in the past

You get to be bread. What else do you want?

Controls are so bad (and yes I know that is the point) to the point where it is not enjoyable.

Have you ever wanted to throw your controller at a wall...The game is fun, but it just doesn't offer that much.

very cool game wallah. i saw TMFaisal play it and it was funny. i had drop frames tho. still. funny

This game allowed me to reach new heights of boredom within about 10 minutes of playing it.

Kinda really boring and annoying

This was the funniest shit in 2014. Fuck this gameplay.

The game that’s too hard for most gamers. Must have a lot of patience to get good at this game. Once you get the hang of the controls, this one isn’t too bad. Not for casuals! 😜

Early 2010s YouTube ruined the Indie Game market for a while.

Divertidísimo no absurdo que propón, na súa autoconsciencia e no que é a base da súa xogabilidade: o control en base a controlar as esquinas da rebanada do pan e o seu balanceo. Iso si, faise moi curto e o xogo é dos que rebentan as mans así que botas unha partida algo longa. Pero esa tensión é tamén a que che dá satisfacción ao pasar cada nivel, atopando un dos posíbeis xeitos. Aparte, a "historia" é maxia do absurdo, até o seu epílogo.
O único malo, algún bug que nalgún agarre fixo que tivese que reiniciar o nivel.

This game felt like clickbait yet it didn't even look good to begin with.

The gimmick gets old quickly.

Just trying to eat octodad's lunch (bread)

legalzinho, mas é meio maçante

A pain to control more than it is funny or fun.

Once you get over how funny playing as a bread may be, what you find is an incredibly frustrating game with awful controls and gameplay.

I cannot in good conscience recommend this game. Both native graphics and DirectX 9 fail to launch. OpenGL, which worked, caused text to appear malformed. I Am Bread seems to be a game of QWOP for baked goods, but it blows my mind how you can be exactly on the toaster yet unable to go in, with no piece of the toast appearing to go slightly in.

Cool concept and great streamer bait, but unless you plan on never beating the first level on a 30-series video card, take your money elsewhere and play a game where the developers don't jump ship.

Look at the game's title. Do you think it's a fun game.

The plain white bread of video games

A friend and I took turns playing this through Parsec and had some laughs. This silly gameplay is what I love to see from indie games - Though, I felt no desire to return after our session.