Reviews from

in the past

It might be easiest to think of the original Knytt as the Yume Nikki of 2D platformers. You play as a weird little creature that got abducted by a friendly alien, only to crash land upon a foreign planet and be tasked with collecting the fallen parts of the spaceship to return home. All you’ve got at your disposal is the classic single jump and wall cling/climb, as well as a searchlight that will point you towards the closest spaceship part. The collected parts won’t upgrade your toolkit in any fashion (and as such I find it misleading to mark this as a traditional Metroidvania) and there isn’t a single word of dialogue spoken or written in the landscape; as a result, this is a platformer dedicated to exploration as its own reward.

There’s no map in Knytt, so you’d think that it would be quite easy to get lost and stumble about with little direction. However, Knytt provides enough environmental context if you pay close attention and the searchlight will keep you moving through the sprawl with ease. While the game is less focused on mechanical difficulty, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s trivial: any liquid as well as particular invincible enemies (marked for danger when your character glows red upon approaching) can still end your life and send you back to the nearest checkpoint (though fortunately the quick respawn never feels frustrating). Having said that, the act of jumping and climbing about this unfamiliar yet vibrantly colored landscape, aided greatly by the tight controls, is more than enough to keep the player occupied while sporadic ambient tunes chirp in the background accompanied by the satisfying plodding of your footsteps.

As a result, the difficulty stems not from execution tests, but rather from spatial recognition and keeping the big picture in mind when figuring out exactly how sections of the overworld link to one another to maintain progression. A lot of players get frustrated when they keep running into dead ends, impassable expanses of fluid, or taunting one-way passages, but personally, I see it as fantastic motivation to figure this all out and fit each individual piece into the underlying puzzle; if it’s not a straight shot, then somewhere and somehow, there must be another path to get to the other side regardless. Perhaps it's quite simple and is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but Knytt isn’t trying to be. It’s one of the most focused and emblematic pure adventure platformers of all time, with tons of replayability due to its open-ended nature and extraordinary warm ambience, and a few tucked away secrets and shortcuts for the more discerning eye. Considering that a full playthrough takes less than an hour and that it’s free, I’d easily recommend it nevertheless; as one of the first indie greats, Knytt feels like a snug encapsulation of its era that doesn’t deserve to be forgotten.

Um joguinho curto e perfeito para quem gosta de exploração.

O objetivo do jogo é simples: Percorra o mapa em busca das peças perdidas e as traga de volta. Porém, mesmo dentro de tal simplicidade, Knytt consegue ser uma experiência bem simpática e agradável.

A única negativa seria o tamanho da tela, que é minúscula (e o fullscreen é bugado), mas fazendo uma leve gambiarra de pegar a lupa do Windows e aumentar até encaixar a tela do jogo já arruma o problema.

Se você quiser jogar algo rápido e tranquilo, pega pra dar uma testada nele - dá pra terminar em menos de uma hora bem de boas.

i loved this.
a world full of unique critters and peoples,
a world with a lot of ambience,
a world with many simplistically beautiful scenes.
i initially felt like the walking speed should've been slower, so that you could take in that ambience without having to pause, but then i realized that this makes you feel more like a little guy quickly scurrying around, moving around everywhere faster than you can take it all in.
the ability to see where nearby items are was good, as it prevented the game from becoming annoying in the end.
i think i've realized that i really like simplistic platformers, and this was a wonderful example of one.

(i'm writing this at 11:47 pm, a few minutes after i finished playing the game, so i'm too tired to have well considered thoughts; forgive me)

A beautiful, quiet, easy to play, free metroidvania. Really leans into what a lot of others in the genre don't, and that is atmosphere and sense of place. Despite lower fidelity graphics, Knytt gets a lot from its tight controls, welcoming tone, and excellent sound design. The footstep sound effects in this game are perhaps my favorite of all time.

A freeware classic.

i fuckingggg figured out how to use porting kit to play windows games on mac fuck yeah :)

rips off the pikmin "retrieve all the pieces of your marooned spaceship" premise but adds the mildly brilliant twist of it not even being your own damn spaceship. instead, you're helping an alien continue their botched abduction of you. out of fear? kindness? boredom? we don't know; there's no dialogue. you get the sense that the player character themself doesn't even really know why they're doing it, or what they're hoping will happen upon repairing the craft. in the end, the alien happily flies you back home in return for your help, but we find that our family has all gone to sleep rather than spending the night frantically searching for us. maybe they didn't even notice we'd left.

it's a lonely game, very overtly so. plenty lonely even before considering that the most abundant species on this "alien" planet appears to be homo sapiens—something our hero visibly is not (just in case the theming wasn't clear enough). again, there's no dialogue; there's not even an interact button. we see a girl in a long dress sitting on a cliffside, deep into a train of thought we can't board. we see a forest dweller go for a leisurely daytime swim in water that will kill us instantly if we touch it. we see a sad middle-aged man shuffle out of his lakeside home, look around for a moment, and then shuffle back inside once we've failed to ask him what the matter is. no matter how we may want to involve ourselves in the lives surrounding us, we are only ever a visitor here.

accordingly, there's no map either—our only knowledge of the world is that which we obtain ourselves. what we do have, though, is a sort of compass/beacon thing which points us in the cardinal direction of the nearest spaceship part. admittedly, this feels like a bit of an inelegant concession. i think the ideal version of a mapless metroidvania-like probably would not contain a "tells you which way to go" button, though it probably wouldn't have been advisable to just remove it and leave the rest unchanged in this case, either. maybe a breadcrumb trail/landmark mechanic would have been a good solution? trickier to design to be sure, but as it is, the game doesn't feel 100% at peace with its own creative limitations, which is a small shame.

still, it's a pleasure to play through. it's palpable just how thoughtful the designers were in deciding how all these various areas should interconnect, and the heart flutters a bit every time you stumble upon a beautiful new terrain. by the time you've fully mapped it out in your head, you really have grown fond of this world you've traversed. ultimately, we know we have no business here, but the melancholy only turns our fondness all the more potent. knytt is a game deeply aware of the unique flavor beauty takes on in the eyes of lonely beholders. recommended for anyone who spent their teen years relating a bit too hard to belle and sebastian or radiohead songs. turn off the lights and play alone—this has all happened to you before.

Let's talk about strategy guides. It's no secret some games have very obtuse elements about them. Often times, they're not meant to be used in a first playthrough at all and are the kind of thing one would find out from Nintendo Power ages later. One example would be the Hadouken and Shoryuken in the Mega Man X games. Then there are secrets like the Lightsaber in Ico which nobody would ever find without a strategy guide, but the player probably wants to get on their first playthrough even if they don't necessarily need it.

And then you have games that can feel completely overwhelming or even unplayable without a strategy guide. I cannot even begin to name all the point-and-clicks and JRPGs filled to the brim with labyrinthine structures, permanently missable content, bugs or intended conditions that cause the player's save file to essentially become bricked, sidequests so hidden it took decades to find them, etc etc etc.

Knytt manages to be all of this. Knytt is nearly a brilliant game. When I started playing Knytt, I picked up all but 3 items blind in under an hour. At first, I thought it was a very soothing experience with an incredible atmosphere. The ambient music is shockingly amazing, and perfectly compliments the dark yet colourful world.

Unfortunately, as I neared the end of the game, I started growing increasingly frustrated. Too many platforms were lined up in such a way the player was only 1 pixel out of reach to entering a new path. It became hard to distinguish background characters from actual enemies. And then the worst part happened; I accidentally jumped into an invisible tile in the middle of nowhere that turned out to be an important warp zone.

Within minutes, my opinion of the game lowered from perhaps a 9/10 to a 7/10 at best. I'm not even certain if the last few powerups can be found without all the other warp zones I discovered in a speedrunning video, because there are no guides online. There is no communication to the player they are near an invisible tile, and the game's world is so massive it takes about 5 minutes to run across it in a straightish line. I did find some codes for the game on GameFAQs but I don't think the game itself communicates them anywhere either

So what are we left with? A passionate and unique game that is ultimately too messy and unnecessarily obtuse for its own good. What could have been an all time classic PC metroidvania is bogged down by adhering to the "we need to sell strategy guides" school of thought despite it being a freeware indie game.

If the game looks up your alley, my suggestion is to look for how ever many items you can naturally find in about an hour with the searchlight feature, and then watch this speedrun to find the rest

Also worth noting, it is a 2006 PC game. It ran without any significant issues on my Windows 11 rig, but I did have to use Joy2Key for controller support and the fullscreen was a bit fucked in that it forced everything to my second monitor. It's nothing too inconvenient given how short the game is however.

A dear favorite. It's a fun time in eerie locales, and my first playthrough of it was just all-consuming and soothing. It felt like an actual breakthrough of the kinds of tones a game could have. Probably my first positive exposure to indie games as well.

And the jumping sprite of Knytt said "I have become Knytt, embracer of all comfy".

Knytt is a very simple game. The mechanics are instantly recognizable to anyone who has played a platformer before, with very few being introduced throughout the game. Still, playing Knytt was an experience I enjoyed. I'm glad that I spent time with it.

The simplest games are often the most inspiring to me, because they prove that the art of creation is within my reach.

It's a little confusing, honestly. The map was hard to navigate at first, and I still don't have a complete idea of it; collected items don't affect your moveset at all; and the setup makes me feel I should be exploring on my own, and how much I rely on the radar because of how lost I am makes me feel bad.

Maybe I'll revisit this one day, but I'm a little unsure of what I think about it now.

An enjoyable little game, and it's free. It can get a bit boring thanks to the minimal gameplay, but it's absolutely worth playing at least once.