Reviews from

in the past

I didn't even play this, just watched that Jerma clip 15 times until I started hearing voices telling me to rate it on Backloggd.

The absolute game of all time.
With the 3DS's touch screen, it feels pretty easy to play, just took me a bit to figure out how to reload.
Besides that, it's definitely a product of its time, but one that I can't help but enjoy the otter chessiness of it.

Truly Red Dead 3 will struggle to take the best western title from this.

Far & away thee best American Laser Game production. They're all quite funny, but Mad Dog is hilarious. In fact thee whole series is packed with quirky quotable characters, over thee top ragdoll deaths (some great stunts too). No doubt still suffers from ALG's signature flaw: thee 'fuck you'. Oh you don't know about that? Yeah, it's when a civilian peeps into your view sporting similar attire as baddies. This is especially frustrating seeing as your response time to hit yr target before getting capped yourself is a miniscule window. It's thee worst kind of punishing in gallery shooters like this, but in thee case of thee Mad Dog series, you just cannot get too ruffled about it because you're too busy chuckling your pain/quarters away.

Part of my Light/Rail Shooter list.

"Have you met mah dad? hE's tHe mAyOrrrrrrrrR"

It's okay. Interesting with how they decided to present the game with some alright quick draw gameplay, but quickdraw can only stay fun for a little while.

Playing Mad Dog McCree on Sega CD with only the gamepad is an absolutely miserable experience. I'm sure it's better with the lightgun, but it's downright unplayable with the pad. Your cursor is either too slow or so damn fast it goes right past the tiny-ass hitboxes on some of the bad guys who come out and shoot really fucking quickly. There's actually a really shitty scenario where right after selecting the bank on the scene selection screen you could be shot immediately by a dude on the opposite side of the screen that's almost impossible to hit from the place you had to start in with the cursor.

The SCD's horrifically compressed FMVs only make the game harder, there'll be a bunch of times where you'll be shot by guys you couldn't see the first time you go through a scene. For example, in the saloon stage after shooting all four of the dudes in front of me after dying like three times figuring out the proper timing to actually hitting them, I suddenly got killed by a blob out in the background on the staircase that I didn't even notice until his shot went off. Then there's this chick who stands up suddenly from behind one of the counters in the bank who I ended up shooting by accident, was a bad guy holding her hostage? Was it Princess Peach dancing around? I couldn't tell you because that's how shitty the FMV looks on SCD when it's blown up to near full screen on a CRT.

The entire game itself just feels trial-and-error due to the tight windows of opportunity to hit people because of the limitations of using FMV, which is ignoring the actual trial-and-error where some invisible shithead out in a tiny window in the background sniped at me right after I took out two guys in front of the corral. I know the game itself is really narmy and that's most of the appeal, but I still can't help but feel like I'd much rather be playing Lethal Enforcers.

No pardner, I don't like it.

when i get fucking cheated by the fucking chimney very funny in call

Hilariously cheesy and cheap. Nostalgia makes me love every second of it, as it was one of the first games I got after I installed a fancy new CD-ROM in my PC back in the early 90s.

A rail shooter with about 15 minutes of live action footage of people pretending to get shot. It's beyond silly, but a fun one-off experience despite not being much of a game.