Reviews from

in the past

If you're wondering why I attempted to play this and two other terrible educational Mario "games" from the 90's, it was to prove a point I make in a video I'm working on.

As bad as these were, the point was indeed proven.

Este é o primeiro Mario que joguei, sem muito orgulho, afinal é praticamente um trauma de infância.

Numa época mais simples que eu só tinha o ps2 para jogar, eu tinha o DVD dá Super Coleção 7.784 de jogos, que era um emulador de outros 5 consoles, eu não conhecia nem um jogo de SNES, maseu sabia da existência do Mario, só não sabia que os jogos eram "Super Mario" então fui até letra M e acabei nessa pérola.
Uma experiência tão terrível que nunca vou esquecer, eu nem sequer cogitava a existência de outras línguas quantos mais sabia inglês, então não sabia responder as perguntas ou que merda tava acontecendo, não entendia o motivo do Mario está verde, não via diversão nenhuma em fica matando os Koopa Troopa espalhado pela cidade, não conseguia ganhar, muito menos perde, só vagava sem rumo e torcendo para alguma coisa acontecer.

wait I remembered playing as peach in this game??

This game was very educational, I learned that just because Mario is on the cover, it doesn't mean the game is worth playing.

i remember booting this up on my ps2 and quite literally sleeping on the sofa while playing

I used to play this for hours, just walking up and down the streets, hoping I'd find the real game eventually. I was a really stupid child

Folks are way too hard on this game. For what it is (a Mario Bros themed edutainment game on the Super Nintendo) it's pretty well done!

Luigi's first outing as the main character was an edutainment title that focused on geography and history by having you run around and collect stolen items. The gameplay loop of running around the different cities works well enough, but ultimately this wasn't fun enough to feel like it would prompt kids to keep playing it and accidentally learn something.

This version is atleast bearable. This one I had the most fun playing out of all three versions

Man, this sure is edutainment that tricked me when I was a kid at a game store! BOO this game! BOOOOOOOOOO

This is an educational text-based game where you walk around a famous place and answer questions. I played it years after its release and didn't find it very interesting. Maybe it would be more engaging for English-speaking children, but who knows.

This game is funny. I spent more time than I would've on it even with using a guide but still lmao.

Not worth playing unless you got good at speedrunning it.

I was a huge Luigi's Mansion fan as a kid in the 2000's. My mum saw the cartridge art and thought I'd be into this. It was so cool, I didn't know they did a game starring Luigi on an older system! I then roamed around not knowing it was educational for hours, not sure how to beat the levels, probably barely even able to read either. I'm somewhat sure this was the beginning of me looking stuff up on the internet 'cuz I wanted to learn how to play this game. That's how I discovered the Super Mario Bros. Super show existed, and also the discovery of Youtube for me.

But yeah this game teaches Geography. And anyone that knows me knows I have a cartoonishly horrid grasp on that topic. So this game failed in its goal, but no worse than 12 years in the American Education system did. It's funny you'd think I'd have been disappointed in this not being what I wanted it to be, but both as a kid and to this day I kinda just take things for what they are. Wasn't in love with it but I've always liked the SMW art style and the music was cool and I'd never played a game like this before.

Revisiting this game 20 years later, feels so cool to be good enough at basic geography to blast through the stages that once perplexed me to no end. As a kid I'd trial and error every step of the way (Which includes manually placing yoshi on every single location on the real life world map until I just happened to get the one I'm currently in). Hecc yeah dude I know where Brazil and even Europe are located now, I'm so dang smart. But yeah idk, it's kind of a chill, zen kinda game. I like going to a place, piecing together where I am in the world, and being able to ride yoshi (and therefor run MUCH faster) by bringing him to that spot on the world map. I think I might like this game better as an adult even, idk how the hecc I had the patience to actually beat this as a child.

The lore in the manual is one of the best plots in the series. Bowser went around stealing real life national monuments, such as the Sistine Chapel, and is planning to use the money from selling said monuments to buy so many hair dryers he'll be able to melt Antarctica and flood the world. I'm obsessed with franchise oddities like this, before there was such a strong stranglehold on brand image. Also the childlike imagination over what this game could be just looking at the box art never truly left me. I feel like I never accepted that this was just a mediocre educational game. This is like, a real canonical Mario game in my eyes just as the TV shows are to me. This game existing gets my jaded adult imagination running.

Also there's no dodge rolls, skill trees, crafting, inventory management, cover shooting, 2 hour long cutscenes, or gigantic empty maps copy pasted from a 7 year old game filled with the same enemies copy pasted from said previous game so really I can't say this is truly miserable to play.

The controls and graphics are fine but the game is soul-crushingly boring. As an educational tool, this game fails to captivate a player at any age by not offering gameplay that this both fun and educationally stimulating. This game sucks, its that simple.

Mario is Missing is probably one of the better educational games that has come out on a Nintendo console. It is underrated and deserves a bit more praise because I enjoyed playing through it. But with that being said it is an educational game and I'm sure that a lot of people don't want to play through it. I was introduced to it through a YouTuber and thought it would be fun. My favorite part is after you visit a landmark you get a photo with Luigi. Also, since I enjoyed traveling in real life I feel like I learned something new.

Rented this a few times as a kid desperate for more Mario games. This is not what I wanted.

I don't think it's a bad game either, I think it's a little fun, but after a while it gets quite repetitive