Reviews from

in the past

For a fair few years now I've wanted a GBA micro, the novelty factor is just too big, and I'm pleased to say I wasn't wrong.

I've spent the time since getting the teeniest tiniest gameboy digging up and looking at my old carts, I was baffled to find this among them, the memory of it being long ago lost but I figured I'd give it a go.

Right away I can see why I forgot about it, as tempting as it is to dump on the game....I really cant. It's a gba port of MoH U and that's exactly why its so easy to put aside and forget really.

It's not like a bad Doom port where you can barely see what's going on, squinting at everything bleeding together, its exactly what I remember from the ps1 but low rez as hell and while I had a buzz playing through the first level again I can't say there's much motivation to continue, but maybe that's a mark of MoH's age more than anything.

The port is honestly impressive, barring any issues further in the game that I don't know of, as with any of these GBA games that far exceed its grasp I can't help but love the ambition and effort.

I definitely think its worth looking at if you enjoy FPS's and or low rez ports.

To all the people who said this game was one of the worst on the GBA. Congrats. You were absolutely right.

Looks bad, sounds bad, plays and runs even worse?
Yeah even by GBA FPS standars, which I am an expert on, this is total crap. An embarrassment to the system, and even the MoH franchise. Shame this was my first time with the series....

Started to feel sick during the first level. Possibly the ugliest game I'm ever played.