Reviews from

in the past

Oh wow I'm back in Beta Minecraft again, weird!

Anyways, my initial impressions of this mod are, to put lightly, underwhelming. While I think what they have done mainly in regards to simplifying install and performance is great (though much of the former is credited to MultiMC more than anything), I feel kind of actively mislead about what this mod would be.

"Better Than Adventure is designed to appeal to [older] players who enjoy the simpler gameplay of the old beta versions of Minecraft, yet also want to try something new and exciting. Think of it as an "alternate universe" version of Minecraft that attempts to maintain the look-and-feel of beta 1.7.3, while also keeping things fresh with new features and additions such as new blocks, biomes and quality of life improvements. Despite what the name implies, this mod isn't necessarily trying to offer something inherently better than modern Minecraft, just something different. Think of it as a long-lost branch of Minecraft, what could have been if Notch and Jeb took the game in a slightly different direction." - excerpt from the "Introduction" section on their site.

Slightly is the key word here, despite lofty claims such as saying it's so big it might as well be its own "fork" of Minecraft (never officially claimed as a category, but leaned on due to being similar to Forge with how invasive it is), it really is Beta 1.7.3 with some extra bells and whistles. Now, if you read their site, you might be wondering how I'm mislead about this, and really it's just word of mouth. Gullible or naive, whatever you deem fit, I decided to click on yet another "why Minecraft is losing its feel and why beta 1.7.3 is the Golden Age Of Minecraft" type videos. The video itself was fine, but I think they massively oversold what the mod does; which is ironic, because due to how invasive the mod is, many beta 1.7.3 mods don't work; what's being sold here is essentially a modpack more than anything that makes negligible tweaks that change little about beta 1.7.3's gameplay while ruining mod compatibility; you do gain rock solid performance, though.

As for notable features the mod has, it strips away the debug screen of its commonly useful info unless holding appropriate items like a compass or the new calendar, which frankly I think is an alright thing. The seasons thing is a nice touch too, but one I've seen for literally over a decade. Same version, too... A far more positive change is the reimplementation of all the old world types, as well as creative mode with a much appreciated proper no-clip attribute to flying. I'm kind of meh on the biomes added so far, I mean I guess I appreciate them existing rather than not but of all the ones to backport why bring the savanna?

A change I see only as utterly pretentious is adding the "cloth" item and changing bed recipes to include them, which only zombies drop; their reasoning is to "force players to actually survive the first night." which I think is hilarious given how riddled their support is with "what's the bed recipe? what's the bed recipe?" That's another thing, their documentation/wiki is very unfinished despite being two years deep; imo mods should have equal parts documentation/wiki developed alongside the actual mod which would alleviate the need debloat support channels by passive-aggressively creating a bot that automatically replies to keyphrases like "bed recipe?" with the recipe... Also, it's MAD ANNOYING TO HAVE TO JOIN A DISCORD FOR BASIC INFO ABOUT ANYTHING :V

Do I think this is a bad mod? Not at all, in the context of beta 1.7.3 mods and vanilla-style mods as a whole, I think it's well put together, poor documentation aside; but it rubs me the wrong way on a lot of levels like the aforementioned auto-reply bot, the tongue-in-cheek "Better Than Adventure" name (which they only justify because it's referencing an old forum post called "Better Than Wolves" which was someone becoming incredibly heated over the introduction of wolves in beta 1.4...), and version naming scheme ("continuing" the beta in a faux-official capacity by calling it beta 1.7.4, etc.)

I'm also just deeply tired of the narrative tossed around the community lately by people who don't actually read the blogposts/updates they complain about, of how the game is "actually limiting the player's creativity by..." checks notes "..adding completely optional things to do." ... 9_9 This of course actively discrediting how far people take the game's new mechanics or blocks in both engineering and expressive player creations. In a nutshell, there's a growing sect of Minecraft that has become incredibly gatekeepy about "the right way to do XYZ", and I hate it. This is allll deserving of a much longer post though, far more encompassing of Minecraft as a whole of which I may not bother writing.

I recommend this mod if you really wish you could play a mildly expanded upon Beta 1.7.3 (mostly in biomes), I don't recommend if you'd be disappointed they didn't also backport Lena Rayne's wonderful compositions. Good night.

This is something which you can only truly understand and appreciate when you’ve been a longtime fan of Minecraft and seen how much Mojang has desecrated the game over the years.
Those moments when I’m walking around the beta-esque world and hearing C418’s old music in the background… fuck, man.

This mod is so cool, I love being able to play old minecraft but with more!

Honestly my preferred way to play Minecraft at this point. It really takes you back to a simpler time where Minecraft was mysterious and awe-inspiring. Unbelievably relaxing and a pleasure to play compared to the state of the modern game. Once you play this you'll really understand how drastic the design philosophy has shifted over the years, and while I enjoy the new game, it really is a totally different experience now. I'm thankful I can get that old vibe back with BTA.

Один из самых лучших модов для этой игры.

Как человек, который играет в Minecraft с 2011 года, должен отметить, что новые версии всё больше и больше отступают от того, что делало эту игру такой притягательной в те года. Полумёртвый мир без жителей, эндерменов и прочей рандомной живности, но в то же время, его размашистая генерация с фантастичными горами и подъёмами, дарили уникальное чувство меланхолии. Не нужно было гнаться за убийством какого-то дракона, не нужно было выполнять ачивки, не надо было отстраивать сто пятьсот автоматизированных ферм всякой лабуды, не надо было капаться в бессмысленно огромных пещерах, не надо было задрачивать книги зачаровования и фармить опыт. Конечно, в новых версиях всё это делать необязательно, но какой смысл избегать все эти новшества и фактически играть в обрубок, если я могу играть в те версии, которые лишены их изначально и являются полноценными?
Данный мод раскрывает старый майнкрафт по-новому. Да, это современный мод для старой версии игры (бета 1.7.3.) Философия этой модификации такова, что она развивает идею оригинальной игры времён бета, стараясь сохранить и развить те аспекты, которые делали старый майн таким крутым. Всего не описать, что туда добавили, но из примечательного могу отметить: смену сезонов, разноцветные блоки для дерева, фикс багов и фичи для улучшенного геймплея (к примеру, делей при разрушении блоков был полностью удалён из игры и копать стало как никогда удобно и эффективно).

Если хотите вспомнить, каково это было запустить майнкрафт впервые в жизни, то крайне рекомендую этот мод. Обещаю, что не пожалеете.

It reminds me of when i really truly loved to just play minecraft, excited for the future of this project

It's certainly better than adventure mode.